Sunday, July 1, 2012

8dp3dt I think this is real

So I spent most of yesterday morning and evening googling like mad (I had a few housecalls yesterday so that at least kept me busy and out of the house) and basically scared myself into the possiblity that I was still picking up the trigger.

I always thought the trigger should be out by 10 days because that is what you always hear, but then I was seeing stories of pretty convincing bfp at 10 dpER that by the next day were lighter and totally negative by day 12.  Since yesterday was the first day I tested I couldn't be 100% positive that I might be one of these people that have a trigger stay for 12-14 days.

So I woke up this morning at 2:30 to pee and it was time to get the automatic answer.  Today is 11dpER and 12 days, 5 hours past trigger. 

First the $tree which was negative yesterday and then showed a very faint evap hours later was bfp today.  Very faint line again, but it appeared at the 4 min mark so I am sure once 3+ hours past again it will darken a bit more.  I was happy about this so expected to get good results with the frer.  Unfortunately, this morning's frer wasn't really darker, though it wasn't really lighter than yesterday.  It is hard to say since I think yesterday's test lightened over time, but maybe it didn't I just didn't realize how light it was at first.

I know I said yesterday that it looked like the frer from my twin pregnancy, but I compared it to that (yes I still have my used pee sticks from almost 3 years ago) and my frer with them was darker at 10dpER so maybe it is only one that implanted this time. 

Anyways, 10 and 11dpER is still good to get a bfp and the fact that my frer is still bfp today and didn't lighten to hardly anything and my $tree test is now a bfp from yesterday's bfn I am pretty confident to classify this as a real bfp. 

I will keep testing daily, hoping for the tests to darken.  I like to think that today didn't darken much because the hcg is still low so even with it doubling every 48 hours it doesn't make much of a chance on a hpt.  So like if yesterday my beta level was 20 which should be 40 by tomorrow, probably means it is 30 today.  I don't think the line on a frer would differ much between a 20 and a 30.  It could also explain why the $tree is now positive being over the 25 min level.  Also who knows if maybe I still had some trigger left yesterday that was artificially rising the hcg.  With the fake hcg going down, and real hcg going up it could also show as not much of a rise in the level at this stage in the game.

I brought 6 frer yesterday so I will be well set for the next week.  I only planned on buying 3, but the 3 pack had a b1g1 free mail in offer so I figure 6 for the price of 3 (even though I have to wait to get the money back) is a better deal than the offer on the 2 pack which included 1 extra free stick, so I could get 3 for $8 something or 6 for $26 (with a refund of $13) so I chose the 6.  Really I only need them to get me to Thursday which will be 15dpER and my official beta day.

And for those that like a visual yesterdays and today's pee sticks:


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