Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5w6d update

So nurse called this morning.  It went straight to voicemail so I think my phone wasn't picking up reception at that point in time - I seem to have horrible reception in our place.
Anyways yesterday number was 12,177.  She then said that the doctor wants me to come back and do another beta tomorrow and u/s because of the bleeding and rule out ectopic.

So I immediately thought of the worst until I went onto betabase and saw that I had a 74.16 hr doubling time from the previous result of 2533 7 days before and that 12,000 was a good number for 26dpo.  So then I got pissed that they made it sound like it was a bad number when it is actually doubling faster than the average time.  From 1200-6000 it is suppose to double between 72-96 hrs and a beta over 6000 has over a 96hr doubling time, so my 74.16hr sounds very good.

I was feeling very confident and happy since the bleeding/spotting had stopped and then I went to the bathroom at noon and had another bleeding episode.  I thought oh great not again.  DD had school this afternoon and I really didn't want to keep her home another day since she missed it last week and missed her therapies yesterday.  Luckily FIL was home because his car overheated so I had him come with me to take dd to school and back.  That way I got to just sit in the car without worry about standing or walking or lifting dd.

I am almost positive this is a sch now with the on and off again bleeding and spotting.  If it was a m/c I am pretty sure the bleeding would just get heavier instead of start and stop.  Of course this only makes me feel a little bit better since I don't know how long this is going to go on for and I can't stay on the couch forever.  Right now I have to work on Friday and Monday, not to mention my oath ceremony next Thursday and I can't change these things.

I'm just pissed I am already dealing with complication this early in this pregnancy.  You would think after all the IF and ivf crap that I could catch a break.  All I want is just a normal easy pregnancy.  Heck I think I would even take severe m/s over this sch issue and worrying every time I go to the bathroom and what it is doing to the baby.

The only good news is I get an u/s tomorrow.  Normally I would be worried at the u/s, but I really need an answer to this bleeding problem and since it is still early I am not worried if we don't see a hb yet since I will only be 6 weeks which is just on the cusp of when things are first seen.

I am a bit more worried about tomorrow's beta, but trying to remain confident that the number will continue to rise and this isn't a m/c.

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