Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm now more than half way done with 4 weeks.  Took my last frer this morning just after midnight.  The test line came up dark right away.  30 seconds later the control line appeared, but lighter than the test line.  So I am hoping this is good news.  I went for my 2nd beta this morning so hoping for a good number this afternoon.  Hopefully at least 2000 since it was almost 500 four days ago.

Everyone was happy for me at the clinic and I am glad that the new thrombologist wasn't there so the secretory got to draw my blood.  She has been doing it for my last two cycles, and then a couple months ago they hired a new girl who isn't that great.  Anyways, since I had developed such a good relationship over my previous cycles it was nice to have her do my blood this morning.  They still aren't checking my progesterone or estrogen which I am surprised about.  Maybe because I am on the meds, but I really would like to know what my values are since I have a feeling my progesterone is sky high because of all my symptoms.

This morning I felt very out of it.  Basically how I felt after taking the valium or being under anesthesia after the ER.  I never thought the fatigue would hit me this bad this early.  It really sucks because tomorrow I have my citizenship interview and test and I am freaking out that I will blank for the test answers since my mind is so foggy.

As I was leaving this morning, I had to sign a release form so they can get the records from my twin's birth.  I really hope Beth Israel doesn't take to long to release them since I remember how much of a struggle it was to get ds's autopsy report from them.

As I was walking back to my car, I ran into my RE.  She asked how I was feeling, I said fine, just tired.  I really feel like I am just going through the motions of  everything, but can't really think or respond.

I received an emergency euthanasia call yesterday just after lunch, however I don't answer my phone on Sundays or holidays so I never found out until I checked my phone at 9 last night before going to bed.  I tried calling the client back this morning after I got back from the SSA office, but there was no answer.  I am guessing she is working today.  Anyways, I am just praying she someone trapped the cat and brought it into the ER or called animal control because the cat is feral and I really don't feel up to working today (between the tiredness and preparing for my citizenship test tomorrow and getting dd's overnight bag ready for nana's) especially with handling a feral cat that I don't know how handlable it is.  I am not at a state right now where I can risk getting myself scratched or bite, especially from a cat that likely isn't up to date on shots.

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