Today's beta was 474. I was kind of shocked it was so high since my tests still seem lighter than the control line (though not by much now). I was expecting a number 200-250 so I am happy with the 474. They didn't check my progesterone or estrogen. Not sure why. Hopefully they will do it at the next beta check. The nurse told me to stop the estrace, but I don't feel comfortable about that. My last two pregnancies I was on it for 10 weeks (well 9 weeks the first one since the baby died), though decreased the does after 7 weeks. My last pregnancy I did take it secretly though since my RE told me to stop it and the PIO at 4 weeks. Googling about this I find most people are on it until 8-12 weeks so I don't know why she would tell me to stop at just after 4 weeks. I could understand if I had high estrogen during stims, but I didn't. My estrogen was lower than what the average RE like to see for trigger day. I do know the clinic used to not even prescribe estrace. For my last pregnancy they didn't routinely prescribe it and only letted me take it because I did for cycle #1 and it worked. Now they put everyone it 2dpER, though I guess they take you off at 4 weeks. Anyways, I don't feel comfort stopping this early, especially without any blood work saying my estrogen is too high so I am staying on my same dose until after the first u/s like I did with my last 2 pregnancies.
I go back for repeat beta on Monday. I was kind of shocked about this too since it is usually 48 hours later so I was thinking I would go on Saturday. When she said the 9th I had to stop and think for a moment (wasn't near a calendar because she called when I was in the bathroom for my hourly pee session). She then said Monday so I know that it is correct. Not sure how they can accurately check doubling then since by then my number will be in the thousands and doubling time usually decreases past 1200.
I only have 2 frer left so I decided since there isn't much difference in the lines each day I will wait and test every 48 hours. That way I will make it through to my next beta. So I won't test tomorrow and test again on Saturday and then Monday morning before my beta. I ususally can tell progression much better when I look back at the test from the day before last. When I go back just one day they seem to look the same. I think because there isn't much difference in line strength when you get this high. So hopefully by Saturday my line will be darker than the control line and by Monday way darker than the control line.
I have class tonight from 8-9pm (though it will likely run to 9:30 because it did last week and this is the last session for the course). I don't know how I am going to get through it because I have been crashing just after 8 for the past 2 days. Even yesterday where I hardly felt any symptoms all day and was still wide awake by the time we got home at 7pm, but 8 the tiredness hit me and I had to go to bed. I must say going out yesterday to celebrate was a good idea, even though I had to be outside in the heat. At least it got me away from in the house here and constantly symptom spotting.
Great number!