I had to get up this morning at 5 for my citizenship interview and test. I went to bed last night at 9 after getting all my stuff ready and then had to get for the first time shortly after 12 to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, I had a real hard time falling asleep after this. I never looked at the clock because it just stresses me out even more when having insomina, but I think I probably fell back asleep at 3:30 and then woke up again just before 5 to get up.
Luckily this lack of sleep didn't cause much trouble. We arrived around 8:15 and I got called back shortly after 9. By 10 we were out of there and on our way home and to pick dd up.
I passed all tests with flying colors and they gave me my oath date. July 26 at noon. I was not expecting it to be this early at all, and since it is so early, not like I can contest the date. I had a doctor's appt booked that day for a new pcp since my old one left. I had to call up and reschedule that appt to now July 31. I can't wait too long to get a new pcp because I don't know if I need one to referral me to a mfm doctor or if my ob can do that. I definately have to get with the peri between 11-13 weeks for the NT scan (hopefully on the earlier side since by 11 weeks last time ds's placenta was already starting to show problems through the bloodwork. By 15 weeks it was dead, so I can't wait too long in case I need something stronger than just the BA).
I also don't know how getting my citizenship so early will affect buying private insurance. I am probably the only person in MA that will qualify for masshealth, but want to pay out of pocket for private insurance in case we lose this pregnancy and need to do ivf again.
I kept dd home from school today since we didn't arrive home until 12:30 and didn't feel like taking her back out in an hour to go to school. It is starting to look like she may not go to school much this month, if I have my u/s on a Tuesday then I will have to keep her out again, and now on the 31st I need to go to the doctors for 3:30 so I don't know what to do with dd. She goes to school from 2-4:30 and it is just down the road from the doctor office so I may play it by ear and either take her out early, or tell them I may be late since this is a new doctor's office, not sure how long it will be.
I am taking her to the library though tomorrow so she will get some time with other kids her age. We missed the last 3 weeks. First because of ER, then the following week I had to work, and then last Wednesday was the 4th. It will be weird going back there now being pregnant. Wonder if all the big pregnat women will still bother me as much, of course some may have given birth so that is something else I will have to contend with.
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