So after researching on google and asking people I decided to up my dose of progesterone last night since the bleeding stopped after the crinone at 1:30am and I only had tiny tiny amount of brown spotting all day. I increased my dose from 1cc to 1.5 cc thinking it can't hurt and may help and am happy to report I had no bleeding or spotting overnight.
This morning though I inserted another crinone and it was fine when I pulled it out - no sign of blood on the tip, but now 2 hours later when using the bathroom I am having brown crinone mixed discharge. I am not freaky out since it is brown and with the crinone gunk so it could be from irritated cervix.
I am still going to lay low the next few days and not lift dd until an u/s shows no sign of a sch.
I never got the results of my beta yet from yesterday because the machines were down so now I have to wait for them to call today for the results and if and when an u/s will be. I am worried only because I have no idea what my beta is and hope it has risen apporately. It should have been a min of 10 thousand yesterday, and really around 15,000 so if it is lower I will be upset.
I am trying to hope this bleeding and spotting isn't a bad sign, but just a sch (though I know sch aren't without risk, but it is much better than a m/c). I am trying to rely on the fact that bleeding is very common with ivf pregnancies. I saw a stat that said as high as 75% of ivf pregnancies bleed or spot at some point in the first trimester and that 2/3 of ivf pregnancies have SCH. This is better stat then all the pregnancy sites that say bleeding/spotting in pregnancy only happens in 1/3 of cases and 50% of those turn out to be bad news.
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