So after yesterday's high beta I have been googling and it seems that my number is higher than a high number for a singleton. I think American pregnancy lists a beta range of 5-430 as normal for 15dpo with average being 150-200. Well my 474 is above this. Also one I look back at my last two pregnancies my number is much more in line with my twin pregnancy than the singleton.
Singleton pregnancy: 14dpo- 130, 17dpo- 665
Twin pregnancy: 14dpo- 285, 18dpo- 1996
Yesterday's number of 474 at 15dpo falls right in the range of what may twin pregnancy may have been. I am worried about this because I don't want a repeat of last pregnacy. Also I am now working and so I can't just take months off work for bedrest since I am self employed. My plan for this pregnancy was to just shut the clinic down for one month and then the following month work like one day a week. Since it will be during the down winter time it should work out okay. This will be perfect for a low key singleton pregnacy, but not a high risk twin one.
Also even if I did make it to birth, we definately can not handle the fiancial or space needed for twins. I know we couldn't 3 years ago either, but we would have been able to manage with one set of twins as our only children, now we already have one child so added two babies on top of that is almost impossible.
I know some people say I should have thought about this before we made the choice to transfer two, but really when you are put in that position with a previous failure and a cancelled cycle and this was our one last shot before our insurance renewed, and being DOR, we really had no choice. If we made it to a day 5 transfer we definately would have only transferred one, but at day 3 my clinic recommends two since most day 3's don't make it to blast and it is very doubtful that the 2nd embryo would make it to freezing quality.
Anyways, to scare me even further my RE just called me. Guess she is worried about both embryos taken too and was asking me about the twin's birth. She wanted to know if ds was delivered at 21 weeks. I said no I carried him until it was time for the c-section. She then I think wanted to know what kind of c-section it was. I am guessing a vertical (classical) compared to a horizontal. She didn't say these exact words, but I was getting the drift of what she meant and likely why she wanted to know this. I told her I didn't know and gave her the name of the hospital I gave birth in so she will try and get the records. I think she is worried if it was a vertical c-section that my uterus may not be able to handle carrying multiples to term. I am not sure, but I know there is a risk of uterine tearing with a classical incision that is why you can't have a VBAC if you have one done. Vertical incisions are much more common with premature birth since the uterus is smaller so there is a likely chance that I had one given birth at 31 weeks. I'm not 100% sure though since nobody told me either way and I figure they would if they did since it is a serious matter with giving birth again.
My first DS was born emergency c-section at 31 weeks as well. I went the entire 9.5 years between him and DS2 including my entire pregnancy with DS2 thinking that i had a normal c-section with both scars going across instead of up and down. Just to find out while IN labor and prepping for my repeat c-section that my scar on my uterus was a vertical incision. I REALLY hope this isn't the case for you. Congratulations on the bfp though!
ReplyDeleteyes I don't know why doctors don't tell their patients this since it is so important. You are lucky that you at least had another c-section, some women may try to have a vaginal birth only to end up having their uterus rupture killing them both.
There should be a way that they can make it known by doing a vertical skin incision or something.