I am so glad week 3 is done. Even though it was only half a week it seemed to drag on forever. I hate how slow the first trimester is. I can't wait until the end of the summer. I know it doesn't mean I will be in the safe zone, but I will at least feel a bit better.
Today's tests showed up at the 10 second mark. Much fast than the 5 minute mark 4 days ago. Today was my last $tree test. I don't think I will buy anymore since the line is pretty bright. It isn't darker than the control line, but I don't think $tree tests ever get darker than the control line. The frer this morning is either just as dark or almost just as dark as the control line. It is hard to tell.
I go for my first beta tomorrow. I hate how I have to wait so long because of the holiday, though I think even without the holiday it would be tomorrow. I think I remember the nurse or the u/s tech telling me that they always do it at 15dpER now no matter what. For my singleton pregnancy my beta was 109 today (and that was after only 3 days of bfp's) and my twins was 256. So I am guessing my number will fall inbetween these two today.
The fatigue set in yesterday. I went to bed shortly after 8pm. I don't think though that these signs are related to the hcg yet, since hcg doesn't really cause symptoms until it is over 1000, and more likely over 10 thousand. I think the PIO is causing these symptoms. I am curious what my progesterone will show tomorrow. For my twins it was 200 (doctors like to see it over 20 for pregnancy) so it was way over board. My RE actually told me to stop the PIO and estrace, but I didn't want to take the risk so I just cut the dose in half.
Not quite sure what I will do today. Normally we go to dh's uncles for the 4th. I talked to MIL yesterday and told her I wasn't sure if I was feeling well enough to go and I will let her know today. However, I thought about it and really don't want to be struck here worrying about symptoms all day. I am confident with my lines this morning and being on the PIO that I won't lose this pregnancy at the moment. I will only go though if MIL can help watch dd since dh can't come because he is working and I can't be chasing after dd the whole time. We were going to go to the children's museum on Friday for their free day, but I have decided against it since I don't think I can take the walking or the crowds. I told dh we will go next year and it will be better because dd will be then 3 and we could always leave the baby at the inlaws if we didn't want to take him or her.
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