This morning is 7dp3dt so I usually start testing because it is early enough to get a real bfp, but also still enough enough that a bfn can still become a bfp. Also if I get a bfn at least I know the trigger is out of my system.
I must report I have zero symptoms. Even zero progesterone side effects. I am not tired, my breasts are not big and do not hurt, I have no uterine twinges, I am not nausous, etc.
However, saying all that I could never get out of my mind that this cycle worked. Maybe it is because the psychic said June was going to be it. I know I shouldn't trust an internet psychic, but she has been right on about my last two bfps, about the number of babies it would be, and the sexes. Pretty hard to be correct that many times. For this reason I knew ivf #1 and #2 were going to work before I even started and #4 was going to be a failure. I still tried not to believe it for #4, but the continued bfn just further proved to me that she had to be right. For this reason I had a very good feeling about this cycle despite the lack of symptoms and really wanted to test.
I started with the $tree test since they are cheap. Nothing. Well, that isn't really accurate, it showed the same gray evaporate line that my previous tests did all last cycle which just ended up driving me crazy. At least this time I knew the line was a bfn, but was it.
After 20 minutes I gave up with questioning and decided to bring out the frer. I still had 2 left over from last time and thank goodness I did. At first I started seeing a line and thought oh no I forgot how they have changed frer and they also show the antibody strip when looked closely. Well nope, this line was pink and clearly visible. It is a bfp.
So there you have it $tree gave me a bfn, and frer gave me an obvious bfp. I classify the bfp as very good for 10 dpo. It is faint, but very noticable. Probably similar to the line I got with the twins at 10dpo and definately darker than the faint almost visible line I got at 12dpo with my singleton pregnancy. I told dh this so now he is worried that both embryos implanted. I told him it doesn't mean that, you can still have high hcg with a singleton.
So I don't know what to think. When I did these tests from 3:30-3:50 this morning it had been 11 days and 6 hours post trigger so I can't for sure say the bfp is real and not the trigger still being picked up. All that I can conclude is that I have hcg in my system and that the $tree tests now suck because I never had this problem with my previous 2 pregnancies 3 years ago. I always used a frer after getting a bfp on a $tree test so I knew the frer would be positive even if they were very faint. This bfp on the frer is visible enough I should have seen something more than an evaporate on the $tree test.
As an update when I checked on the tests 3 hours later, the $tree test evap line may have a hint of pink to it. It is really too hard to say since it is so faint so appears grayess. Anyways, a test 3 hours later is not accurate at all and at even at the 30 min mark it was totally gray unless I tilted it a certain way and then it could appear pink.
On other news, the state called me yesterday. At first I didn't know why the state would call me, but then found out it was about ds's birth certificate. Anyways, turns out there is a problem that the hospital labelled him as a female. I told the lady that I have the autopsy report that shows he was clearly a male and that they must not have updated their records since it was hard to tell at birth. For the record they told me when I gave birth that he looked like a female so for the first 10 months after that I thought he was a she. It wasn't until I finally got the autopsy report that I got the shock that he was always a boy. So here I am almost 28 months later now and the vital records lady is saying his birth was labelled as a girl. So now she has to go back and contact the hospital to see what is up. I don't think an autopsy report can lie. It just annoys me that something so easily as a baby's sex can be this difficult to access. Ds was 21 weeks when he died, though he had severe iugr so was the size of a 15 week fetus, but still even then they should be able to tell what is inbetween his legs with having him in their hand.
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