Today is 4dp3dt or trying to be optimistic, today would mark 3 weeks pregnant.
Not too many signs, on and off cramping yesterday and then over night I got severe ovary pain if I moved to fast. It is weird because I felt this pain for my last cycles while stimming, as well as when I was pregnant before (called it round ligament pain), but not this cycle except for the night before ER. I haven't even felt my ovaries since ER this time, while the last two cycles (even #3 when I didn't have ET or on any meds) my ovaries hurt for 10-14 days after ER. So I don't know what to think. Hope this is a good sign that maybe hcg is rising again and so the CL's are busy starting to produce more progesterone.
I watched a special last night about teenage mothers. Not sure why because after years of IF I can't stand teenage moms. I purposely refuse to watch teen mom and 16 and pregnant tv shows. Never seen one episode and never will. Anyways, I still decided to watch this special last night. Maybe because I am praying this cycle works and these types of stories draw you in. Anyways, they showed this one girl who is 16 with 2 kids now. She first got pregnant at 14 and thought about going on bcp after the baby but then never got around to it. Huh? At least she is still with the babies father and they right now live together. He is 18 and had to drop out of school after the first baby to work to support the family. Here, is the kicker though. This girl has a younger sister who is 2 years younger, and guess what also got pregnant. They showed the mother of this 16 and 14 yo and how disappointed she is, especially in the younger one because she thought she knew better. This mother had these girls at 19 and 21 so doing the math that makes her 35. So here she is at 35, the mother of a 14 and 16 yo and already a grandmother of 3.
I thought to myself, how the heck can you have two 14 yos can pregnant. Who is watching these kids. Well, they answered that because the mother had her girls young she was single and so had to work min wage jobs to support them. That meant no one was watching these young teens who were free to do as they please and have sex at 14 and get pregnant. The sad part about this is it just shows how the cycle keeps repeating itself.
The other sad part is 85% of these girls the guy does not stay with the girl. They had another girl on who's bf also got another girl pregnant at the same time so within a few weeks of each other he went from a father of 0 to a father of 2. He is also a teenager. The sad part about this is as a teenage dad it isn't like they have any money to support a baby so even if they run off no one can touch them. Can't take child support from a guy that has no income. So what does this mean, not only will these babies end up with no father's around, which increases the chance of the cycle continuing, but they also will grow up in poverty with no way to get out of it.
And here is the real kicker, who do you think is paying for these teenage mom's babies, but the general tax paying public. Since these fathers will never be able to support their kids because some of them end up having 5-6 different kids by the time they reach 20 these children and their teen moms have to rely on state assistance for the rest of their lives.
All this because teenagers feel like having sex without protection and being a grown up. It really annoys me that us infertile adults can not even get pregnant even when embryos are put in us, but these kids can have sex once or twice and opps they are now pregnant and them and their kid will have to rely on us bailing them out the rest of their lives.
And what really gets me is this problem can easily be stopped. We all know that it isn't that easy to get pregnant. I wish it was as easy to get pregnant as it was to not get pregnant. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. I know some people think I shouldn't say this, saying kids will do it anyways. I think that is BS! I think us adults really have low standards of kids if we believe that.
I didn't have sex as a high school or college student. You know why, because I didn't want to take the risk of even a possiblity of a pregnancy. There is no reason why a teenager should have sex. Stats have shown teen relationships don't last. They have a higher chance of pregnancy and lower chance of using birth control (even though they know the option exists - either because they are scared to ask or they think it won't happen to them - the invinsible teenage phenomenon).
They also don't have the emotional maturity to handle an intimiate relationship, though they think they do until something unexpected happens. All teenagers think they are just as smart as adults, but research has shown that the frontal lobe doesn't mature until age 25. That is the part of the brain that is needed for reasoning, etc. The fact is teenagers have just not been on the Earth long enough to have enough experience to draw from for maturation and it is only when you are over 25 that you can look back at this and realize how little you did know about life at 15. Unfortunately for teenage moms they get this knowledge too late. By the time their brain matures their child is now 10 years old and on the brink of repeating the whole cycle again.
And us IF have to constantly question God why he gave babies to these CHILDREN who can't support them ever instead of blessing them and their spouse.
One last story on the show showed another 16 yo mom from a upper middle class home who realized she couldn't take care of a baby and pursue her life of school so she gave the baby up for adoption. It was an open adoption so she was able to visit the child every week at the adopted parents home. This is a prime example of turning a bad situation into a good one. This 16 yo girl was mature enough to know she couldn't take care of a baby (even though she lived in a nice neighborhood and had parents that could support another child) and fulfil her dreams of college, etc so she made the ultimate decision of love and thought about her child and the IF adoptive child and gave her child up.
I think if more teenage moms did this the world would be a better place. I know you can never tell any mother to give her child up, but I think too many teenagers chose to keep their baby, which I understand, but as shown above this option only leads to a live of porvety for all involved.
Right now there are 200 thousand children (usually older and with serious mental and physical problems) needing homes. By comparison, there are 2 million IF couples in the US. So for all those who say there are so many children needing homes is a huge misnomer. There is only 1 in 10 children for every IF couple, that leaves another 90% of couples out there who want to adopt unable to do so.
I am an avid follower of your blog, LOVE reading about your journey. I am a fellow FF member.
ReplyDeleteBut being a teen mom myself when I had DS1 11 years ago, I find this specific post to be offensive. I know this is not what you were trying to do. And I know this is your blog you can post what you want.
It is easy to judge when not in their shoes. Especially when you struggle with IF.
I struggle with IF, I dont struggle to the point that you do, but I struggle. I have PCOS and do not ovulate without meds. It took us 6.5 YEARS to get pregnant with DS2, while DS1 was an oops while on depo when I was a teenager.
Just because these stupid shows show these horrible irresponsible teen parents, doesnt mean that we are ALL like that.
I had DS1 at 15, I was NOT old enough to work, but I have NEVER been on welfare. I finished high school and worked my ass off for family and friends who would give me odd jobs to earn money to be able to support my baby. Once I was old enough to get a job, I did AND I went to school to become a CNA and then again to become a medical assistant. All of this WITHOUT DS1's bio father. My DH was a friend of my older sister that I had known since I was 9, we started seeing each other when I was 16 and he just jumped running taking on the responsibility of dad and has been ever since.
Anyways, this isnt meant to be bitchy, or call you out or anything like that. Just really to let you see a small glimpse of what they DONT show on these shows. We are not all irresponsible childish, and stupid. Yes I admit there is a LOT of teen parents that ARE all of the above, and they make the rest of us look horrible. We also do not all live in poverty. My husband and I own our own home now. He is 31, I am 27. We worked our butts off to provide and make a better life for our kids. We turned something that most people call unfortunate into what is now our amazing lives. And I would NEVER change a single thing. If I had given my son up for adoption, I WOULD NOT be where I am today.
ANYWAYS, I REALLY hope this cycle is it for you! I get so excited when it gets closer to time for testing for you! Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Hi Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry my post offended you. It wasn't meant to. I know not all teen moms are like the ones depicated (one of my childhood friend was a teen mom who made it work), but unfortunately the stats show most have the odds stacked against them and this special really showed why that is which I didn't understand before. It is hard to come out of provety when you are brought into it and your mother was born into it as well. We all know as adults how hard it is to raise a child so I commend you on doing it as a 15 yo and coming out the other side without government help. I wish more girls would have the same happy ending, but unfortunately most don't, especially ones that have poor single mothers themselves.