Monday, June 25, 2012

5 days past ER

So according to all the information out there my embryos should be at the blast stage today and in the process of hatching out.  I really hope at least one of them is still going strong.  I hate not knowing.  Wish I could use an u/s to see inside my uterus - of course this won't work since the embryo is still microscopic.  Maybe I need a microscopic u/s lol.

I did feel some twinges this afternoon.  Hoping it is a good sign, but it may just be that I am over exerting myself and that won't stop unfortunately since I need to clean everything up for MIL coming over tomorrow to watch dd.

I must say though that my business is really booming this week.  Today again I got 3 calls and now have 2 appts set for tomorrow and 1 for Wednesday.  Of course I have come down with a cold - thanks to dd who likely caught it when she stayed at the inlaws last Tuesday/Wednesday.  For some reason she always gets sick there.  I just knew it was a bad sign when the runny nose and sneezing started at 6pm on Thursday during her speech therapy.  Of course yesterday it got passed to me and today it is a full fledge cold.  Not sure if this is good or bad.  Hopefully it eats  up my immune system enough so my body won't prevent an embryo from implanting.

Also finally got down to ordering ds's birth certificate today.  I can't understand how they can charge more for a stillbirth birth certificate compared to a live birth.  Was watching Sprout as usual today with dd and there was another twin birthday and it really hit me what I am missing not having both of my twins here with me.

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