Sunday, June 17, 2012

Don't know what to make of this

Okay so I had to go to Lexington this morning since it is Sunday.  I woke up this morning having one of those days where everything goes wrong.  DD woke up at 4:30 so that meant I was up before 5 this morning.  Then I try and find our cat Honey to give her her antibiotic (she started with another UTI again yesterday).  Found her downstairs, but when she saw dd she immediately ran up under the bed.  I went to get some food to give to both her and Kovu and the food spilled all over the floor.  I then had to take the one bed apart in order to get her out of it.  Then as I was walking back down stairs I stepped in the spilled cat food, and then when I tried to feed dd her tray got tipped and a whole container of yoghut spilled all down my shorts and all over the rug and floor. Not fun.

Anyways, at least the drive to Lexington wasn't bad.  When I got there they changed the waiting room.  They now make you wait in a tiny waiting room if you are there for blood and u/s.  I was suprirsed to only see a few people there.  However, I never noticed the sign in book until the next lady came and started to sign in.  Luckily she was only there for bloodwork so we both went back at once.  I tried to have the nurse draw from my right arm since my left arm is the only that is always poked and I figure they were probably more experienced in Lexington, unfortunately she couldn't feel the vein so I am only left with my one poor vein in my left arm.  Not sure what they are going to do about an IV at ER.

I had to wait 45 min though for the u/s.  Had the same woman as I did back in February.  The good thing about the Lexington office is the u/s screen is facing you so you can see everything being done.  At Providence I can't see anything so have to rely on the tech to tell me everything.  Anyways, as I was watching her I noticed how difficult it was being an u/s tech for a fertility clinic.  It didn't make any sense of what follicles she chose to measure and sometimes it seemed like she measured the same one.  Now I wonder if all my previous cycles my numbers were just off because the u/s were never done properly.  I mean you can't highlight a follicle after you measure it to know it has been checked.  Anyways, I tried to put this out of my mind since she was experienced and she was actually the person who trained the tech that I normally see.

However, now that they just called with the results I don't know what to think.
My estrogen rose which is good.  It is now 1067.
Progesterone and LH are both less than 1.
Now here is where it gets weird.

Left ovary: 10, 11, 11, 13, 14, 15.
Compare this to 2 days ago: 11.1, 13.4, 13.5, 13.2, 14.7, 15.5
So either someone measured wrong or my follicles are shrinking!

Right ovary today: 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 15, 15, 16
(Two days ago they were: 11.5, 12.3, 12.7, 13.3, 14.3, 14.4 so these measurements seem okay).

I tried googling "Shrinking follicles with ivf" since I only know this is normal with a natural cycle and of course I start reading scary stuff about follicles shrinking down to nothing.  I am praying this is just an error due to a different tech during the scan.  Also the fact that today's values were all whole numbers might point more to this suggesting they were either rounded up or down.  Anyways, it does worry me.  Besides adding the ganirelix the only other difference was that for the past few days I was trying to finish off the rest of the gonal-f pens instead of just openning a new one.  Not sure if that could effect things or not.  Anyways my next three doses will be full doses with a new pen so we shall see what happens when I go back for tomorrow's results.

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