Thursday, June 21, 2012

Difference 1 day makes

Well the high of getting 13 eggs yesterday didn't last long.  The doctor's just called and you know it is always bad when they ask if you have a moment to go over the cycle.  This is what they said to me after ER #3 when we found out all our embryos died.

Anyways, out of my 13 eggs, only 7 were mature.  This I wasn't too surprised at.  Based on my blood work and previous u/s 7 mature is still a good number.  And out of those 7, only 3 fertilized with icsi.  So I went from 13 eggs 24 hours ago to only 3 embryos now.  So it will definately either be a day 2 or day 3 transfer.  I am hoping we make it to at least day 3 since I don't have a babysitter for tomorrow and dd has her dentist appt - though that is at 9 thank goodness so I don't have to change it.

I guess I should be happy that at least I did have some fertilized.  Others have received worst news.  I just pray these 3 embryos start dividing and are good quality.  This is our last free cycle so it is a big deal that it works.

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