Tuesday, February 26, 2013

First day with 2 kids

So MIL dropped dd off this morning after having her for the past week.  I soon realized that things are going to be harder than I thought.  DD immediately got jealous of the baby and wanted to feed her and when she was refused she starts this crying fit on the couch.  It wasn't a tantrum cry, but a really "hurt my feelings" cry.  So I decided to have her sit down and get a clean bottle to help feed the baby.  Then she took one of her toys and almost hit the baby in the head with it trying to show me.  Of course this started the crying fit again.  Then when dh was trying to get her ready for school and I needed to feed the baby again, she wanted to sit on my lap as well.

I can't really blame her for acting this way.  None of it was done to be mean and most of the time she is trying to help, though it doesn't end up helping at all.  Also with not seeing me for a week it must be hard for her.  I really do feel bad for all the changes she is going through right now.  Today she had her last day of toddler group.  Next Tuesday she turns 3 so she will no longer be able to go to her class that she has been going to since she was 17 months and will start preschool.  So a new school, new teachers, and new kids.  Then with all the changes at home, it is a lot for a little girl that is already having issues.

Luckily the baby has been pretty easy so far, though I am not doing well with the lack of sleep and this pumping business is starting to take it toll.  Not to mention my stomach issues continue to happen so I have to force myself to eat and then all morning long today I was in and out of the bathroom having diarrhea.  I guess buying the milk of magnesium wasn't a good idea Sunday night.
I was going to call the doctors, but looked it up and I guess GI issues can happen post csection so I am hoping it is just my body trying to work itself out then me actually having caught a bug.

Luckily the incision pain is mostly gone, though my feet is making up for that.  My poor feet, ankles, legs, and even knees are so swollen it hurts to do anything.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Going home

Today is discharge day.  I am actually looking forward to going home and hopefully not seeing another hospital room for a long time.  Before I became a mother I was never admitted or stayed overnight in a hospital, now it seems like a 2nd home some times, this was especially true last pregnancy where I spent 3 weeks on hospital bedrest.  I am happy this time though that the baby will be coming home with me and not staying in the nicu.

BF has gotten better, but it is still not going perfect and I am still pumping and bottle feeding every 3 hours which if things don't change, I can't see bf lasting long term.  DD isn't expected home until Tuesday and then she will be at school Tuesday afternoon so I will have a couple of days with just the baby to contend too.

As for her health, the heart murmur turned out to be due to a PDA.  It is funny that my premature dd doesn't have a PDA, but my full-term baby does.  Of course this raises the questions in us that she may have inherited dh's chromosome problems.  A genetisit came by on Friday morning because of our history and they took blood to run the microassay so we should find out in 3-4 weeks if there is anything abnormal in terms of chromosome makeup for the baby.  We also have to f/u with the cardologist in a month's time too because of the PDA.  He suggested since she wasn't premature that they wait a few years before correcting the PDA and do it by femoral cathetization.  When dh was 2, the only option was open heart surgery which had a 50% survival, so I am glad pediatic cardiology has come a long way since the 70s.  Of course it does worry me waiting so long to correct the problem.  By the time dh was 2, he was turning blue and collapsing.  I don't want the baby to get to that stage.  I think that isn't another concern of mine when feeding her, that I don't want to try and stress her too much and bf isn't easy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

She is here

My c-section was suppose to be at 1:30 yesterday, but got pushed back until 3 thanks to an emergency (wasn't very pleased since I had been off food and drink from 10pm the night before). The start of surgery wasn't very good - I got very sick when laid on my back probably from the uterus preventing blood to return to my heart. I never experienced this last time, maybe because I was only 31 weeks then, I don't know. Anyways, I had trouble breathing and got very nauseous and ended up spitting up a few times and blacking out for probably the first 5 minutes of surgery. I don't know - I woke up and heard them talking about how my uterus looked so they must have already opened my abdomen.

After that things went alright. It took about 10 minutes of tugging to get the baby out. I don't recall that really being a problem with my last c-section either. The good part was when they did get her out the warming bed was directly to the left of us so I got to watch them examine her while being sewed up - with dd's birth the newborn area was on the other side of the OR behind the sheet so I didn't get to see anything.  The baby weighed 6lb 10oz and is 19 inches long so not too bad for being 3 weeks early. She had some trouble breathing at first, but they said it was due to the c-section. Her apnea scores were 2, 8, and 9.

I spent 2.5 hours in recovery which was pretty easy except for the constant belly checks - the nurse doing me seemed to really like to press down as hard as she could on my belly button (I hate having my belly button area touched anyhow) and even though she was only suppose to check every 15 minutes, it seemed like she was checking every 5.

Got a room at 7 last night and was finally able to drink, but by 8:30 I had massive vomiting episode that came out of no where so I was off drink again until midnight and then had to take things easy. Of course this meant that today my kidneys were hardly working since not having any liquids for over a day so instead of them pulling my u-cath at 12 hours it was kept in until almost 24 hours.

She is a very quiet baby and likes to sleep a lot. Unfortunately this means she is not a good nurser - and even refuses to open her mouth and try and suck. I thought there was problem at first until I finally tried a bottle and after much effort she finally picked up a suck, but bf isn't happening right now so that means I have to pump if I have any hopes to ever take her to the breast. I was really hoping for an easy bf experience this time since I didn't have a good experience with dd since she was so premature. I thought this time with being full-term would fix things, but I guess she is still too immature in that department.

She does have a heart murmur and may be developing jaundice (her bilirubin is still fine today, but I read that it peaks between 3-5 days) so they are going to monitor her over the next few days for these things. She also have webbed toes on both feet. The doctor said it may be nothing, but can also be seen in some genetic syndrome. I don't know why they always have to find things wrong so now I am worried about this. I know it is best to pick up on these things now, just wish I could have a perfect healthy baby.                

Monday, February 18, 2013


Well dd had a massive vomiting session last night at 5pm.  After that I swore I was going to be throwing up all night with her, but luckily that didn't happen and today she has been fine all day.  And apart from some queasiness this morning, so have I.  Though I will feel better if I can make it another day without getting sick.

This morning I had to go to the hospital for pre-op blood work.  It really sucks having to drive 30 min to a hospital just to have some blood taken, and then also being charged $4 for parking because by the time you park, walk to the building, go to the information desk, then the registers desk, then the lab, have the blood taken and then walk back to your car the free 15 minutes is up.  I don't understand why they don't give the first 30 minutes for free, instead of only 15 min.  You can't do anything in 15 min time.

The good news is I was able to run some errands though and my bag is 50% packed.  Also mine and dd's room is now clean.  Tomorrow I have my last monitoring appt and will do the finaling touches on mine and dd's bag so everything will be all set for Wednesday morning.  We will have to be out the door that morning at 9 in order to drive dd to dh's parent's who live in the complete opposite direction of the hospital.

It is hard to believe in less than 48 hours this baby will be here.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


So been trying to keep myself busy since I have a lot of things to do before Wednesday.  Unfortunately whenever I try and do stuff I start getting contractions and the spotting picks up.  I don't know what to do.  At least my pressures have been good this past week, though they were up again today so don't know what to think.

The 2nd half of the night hasn't been good.  DD threw up 4 times from 12:30-7:30 am.  She has been acting fine otherwise, running around as normal, but I can't explain why she would vomit so much like this.  It is really getting me worried because I have 3 days to the c-section and I can't have the stomach flu in the house.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

36 weeks

So my 24 hr urine came back fine so I was released last night at 8:30pm.  Now I am just trying to get everything ready for next week which isn't easy since dd messes everything up.  I came home and her room is a disaster, which wouldn't be such a big deal, but because it is shared with the baby's stuff it is a very very big deal.  Forget about even having a crib set up, now the bedroom looks like a natural disaster hit it and I don't know what to do about it.  I spent a few hours trying to pick things up and organize stuff, but it is no use and won't stop dd from doing it again tonight.

I also don't understand why my pressures were so low in the hospital.  I feel like they think I am lying about my home pressures.  My pressures there would be 117/70 - the lowest they have ever been.  Of course this is lying down and using my right arm.  Today at home just sitting up in bed my pressure was 135/90 in my left and to show that my right arm is 10 points lower it was 132/82.  So either someone's machine is off or my pressures are labile.  I am so glad that I only have another 7 days to go, so if they start to shoot up and stay there hopefully it won't happen before the baby comes.  Also hopefully I can avoid getting PE this time, though I do know there is still a chance up to 6 weeks pp.

Monday, February 11, 2013


So I got to see my old doctor again today thank goodness. My pressure at home this morning was 139/97, but in the office it was 130/92 and only trace protein in the urine. Luckily my doctor isn't playing around with things and diagnosed me with gestational hypertension and is making me repeat the lab work. He says if it comes back bad then I would immediately deliver. I asked what happens if it is good because I am not being seen again until the 21st. He confirmed there is no openings before then. Anyways he left to get the lab forms and then came back and said I would deliver next Wednesday at the latest. Sot here you have it. I have a repeat c-section scheduled for next Wednesday at1:30, unless things go bad before hand.

Right now I am at the hospital waiting to be seen to do my urine. He asked if I wanted to go home to do it or go over to the hospital and I said the hospital is easier for me, of course it involves waiting forever. And it doesn't help that the admitting nurse took my pressures with my right arm so they were 10 points below each value.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Well looks like my up/down bp are finally settled high.  Last night's reading was 149/86 and this morning's was 142/96 - it did come down to 141/91 after lying on my left side for 20 minutes.
Both these readings were after lying down for hours and just getting up to go to the bathroom and then come back into the room. 

Unfortunately I am home bound today because my car is still snowed in.  I plan on continue checking throughout the day and if they start going over 150/100 I will have no choice but to go in tonight, otherwise I will wait for my doctor's appt tomorrow morning.

I cancelled my house call for today, though I don't know if the owner got the message since her phone went straight to voice mail.  I am guessing she is without power.  I was planning to reschedule it for later this week, but with these pressures now and the spotting I don't think that would be a good idea so hoping we can do it at the end of March instead then.  That is if she finally listens to the message and calls me back.

I am 10 days away from term and 24 days away from the earliest c-section date - though I don't think I will make it that long.  Right now I don't even know if I will make it the next 10 days. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


So I am really getting tired of the uncertainity of everything with this pregnancy.
I had my doctor's appt today and was really hoping to get some answers, instead I am left with more questions.  When I went to give the urine sample I noticed my pad was pretty full with brownish red blood.  This is after only 2 hours and a larger amount than what I have been spotting for the last 4 days.  I would only spot a little bit on the pad over 24 hours.  I told the doctor this when I first saw him so he did a pelvic exam which all he did was confirm yes there is some blood, but it is brown so he wasn't very concerned.  No answer on why I am having this.  I am pretty sure this is a sign my cervix is changing since it is totally different from the bleeds I had the last 2 months, but he never measured or checked anything.  That was pretty much it for my doctor's appt. 

I was hoping the monitor would show some signs, maybe contractions or something, but nope it was another normal NST with no contractions at all so I don't know what to think.

The good news is I only have to wait until Monday to be seen again since the doctor is away next week I will be put with my old doctor.  The bad news is that then the following appt means I will have to wait 10 days to be seen again so I will have two 35 week appt and no 36 week appt.   Not very happy about this.  It looks like the only way I get any help is to keep going to the hospital and monitor things at home. 

In other bad news, Saturday's plans are now cancelled due to the storm coming tomorrow.  I am so pissed because I wanted for this class for dd since November.  They rescheduled it for the 23rd, but I am not sure if I will make it to then.  Also not sure what to do about dh's course.  This storm couldn't  come at a worst time.  Of course it also means if anything happens to me I will have to go to St. Luke's since there is no way I will be able to drive to Providence in a blizzard.

On better news, my cold is on the mend, thank goodness.  Still feel sick, but at least I don't feel like death like yesterday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

35 weeks

Well I feel a million times worse today with this cold so I had to reschedule my WIC appt until Friday.  I can hardly ever get out of bed.   I hope I feel better tomorrow because I need to go to the doctor's and I will likely be there all morning long.  I don't understand why I am so sick when dd never seemed that sick.  She has been coughing on and off for a couple of weeks, but only bad at night and only had one day of a runny nose.  I have already gone through 2 kleenix boxes in the past 2 days due to this cold.  Then dh had the nerve to pick a fight with me saying he is just as sick, but he has to be up to do his school work and some housework.  I told him there is no way he can be as sick as me because I can't even leave my bed.  It also doesn't help that my whole abdomen and half my chest is being taking up by the baby and I can't take any meds to make me feel better.

His mother also tried to call today, but it was during the one time that I got up to get some food.
Guess she wants to take dd out on Saturday afternoon.  She can't pick a worse time.  One we will be out with dd all morning in Providence, two his father is home here on the weekends to help, and three we are expected to get a snow storm Friday and Saturday - so you know MIL would then use that as an excuse to not so up on Saturday.  She knows we need help during the weekdays cause FIL isn't here, not the freaking weekend.  I am not very impressed with her right now.  Then dh goes into how he is sick and I won't get out of bed and help.  No mention that I am severely sick and also spotting.  No he refuses to tell his mother these things so I look like a lazy no good mother.

The one piece of good news is dd stayed in her room until 6 this morning.  Thank goodness because I really wasn't in the mood with having to share the bed with her last night when I felt so rotten.

Just 4 more weeks until they will do a c-section, though I don't think we will make it that far since I have already lost my plug and having some bloody show.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So I am pretty positive I lost my mucus plug overnight.  I started having really mucusy brown discharge yesterday, some of it even went on the pad after sneezing.  Since it was a small amount and brown and everything looked good with my appt yesterday, plus the fact I had a digital exam on Friday I decided not to be too concerned about it.

Overnight the mucus picked up and I eventually passed a thumb sized glob of brown mucus.  After this I continued to spot a bit on the pad, but it seems to have stopped now for today. 

I read online what this could mean and it really doesn't say.  Basically it is a sign that labour is close, but the time until then can be viable anywhere from hours, to days, to weeks.  I really hope it is weeks.  Though I know if the baby was born now things would be okay, I would at least like to make it to as close to fullterm as possible.

In other news, I feel horrible today thanks to the cold I caught from dd.  I really hate this because after today I have a real busy week.  Tomorrow morning going to the WIC office, then Thursday at the doctors all day, and then Saturday dd's hospital tour then we have to get together with one of my friend's so dh can do one of his school projects on her son (since dh has no friends I had to run through my list to find people), then Sunday I have a housecall and then the week starts again.  All I want to do is lie here and rest and cut off my nose since it is bothering me so much.

Also I don't know what to do about dh anymore.  Everyday his father isn't here to help is a nightmare and it is really getting me concerned especially with how he treats dd.  I even called his mother up to complain saying I can't trust dh with dd anymore and that she will need to watch her for half a week when FIL isn't here.  Of course she didn't want to hear this and she denies that dh could be that bad and says that we both yell.  I may yell but not in my dd's face at the top of my lungs and I don't kick and break things.  She even doesn't believe me that I would trust FIL with dd way more than I would dh.  It pisses me off she can not see how her son is and how much of a problem it is.  Of course she also refuses to help at all (even if we even drove dd to her house a few days a week and drop her off for the day) so I don't know what to do.  I wish I was in the hospital because then she would have no choice but to buckle down and help.  As for dh, I don't know what to do with him anymore.  He needs a stronger dose of meds, but still hasn't even looked for a psychiatrist yet even though his last one left 8 months ago.  I can't handle his ADHD maddness anymore and seriously if things don't improve I may have no choice but to leave with dd and the baby because I can't subject dd to that.

Monday, February 4, 2013


So after my episode at the hospital on Friday night the doctor told me that I would experience spotting due to the digital exam.  I was feeling good not seeing any bleeding at all, but that all changed yesterday when I noticed the toilet paper looked pinkish.  Of course I didn't know if it was just due to it being new toilet paper and just looked pinkish.  Then today I had some brown blood mixed with mucus first thing this morning.  So I am not sure what to think.  No blood or spotting since.  So either this is left over from the digital exam 3 days ago or I may be losing some of the mucus plug.

This afternoon I had monitoring and my 3 weeks growth scan.  The baby wasn't co-operating well for the NST - moving around too much so I almost got a BPP, but the doctor came in and adjusted things.  Of course this made for a very long NST appt, but it didn't matter because I still had to wait for my u/s afterwards and that ended being almost an hour wait.  I forgot to bring something to drink with me so I was extremely thirsty, made worse with the fact I caught dd's cold so I'm not feeling very well today. 

The u/s went alright.  She went through the measurements quickly at the end so I never really got to see anything so I was glad I got to talk to the doctor before leaving.  He also cleared things up for me from last u/s because I was concerned about the head and leg measuring behind.  He said the baby went from the 35% last time to 50 something today.  That the abdomen is still ahead, head a week behind and limbs a few days behind, but these aren't important.  He said the head last time measured 30cm and they don't get concerned unless it is under 27cm so there is nothing to be concerned about.  Because of this I decided to make the next scan for 3 weeks instead of 2 since I am not as concerned about growth anymore since the baby seems to be growing decently.  Of course this may change and I may not even make it 3 more weeks, so we shall see how things go.  My bp's have been all over the place this weekend.  After being borderline high for the last few weeks they went down to values they were back in the Fall this weekend so I don't know.  My guess is they are going labile, but who knows if it will lead to anything or not.

While I was out this afternoon I also got a call from the very first client I had needing a rabies vacc for her dog.  I know I shouldn't be working, but figure since things are going well and it will be a quick appt of a long time client I have no choice, but to take it, so I made it for Sunday as long as all goes well.  Of course if I start bleeding or getting high bp I will have to cancel the appt.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


So after putting dd to bed last night (well putting her in her room so she can cry and scream since she refuses to go to bed now) the cramping was still happening on and off so I decided to go to the hospital and get checked out.  I ended up having to wait there for over an hour to be seen (I guess Friday night isn't the best time to go to the ER).  Finally got taken back into a private room and hooked up to the monitors.  A few minutes later I started to feel sick.  Not knowing if it was the room being hot, or me just being hot because I was nauseous, but it was almost unbearable to lie there being hooked up.  Finally after the nurse was near the end of asking all her questions and putting them in the computer she asked if I was nausous and I said yes, she gave me a kidney bowl and after a few heaves I threw up, and then threw up some more.  I haven't vomitted all pregnancy and actually haven't vomitted for 3.5 years so I don't know why I became so sick there.  Afterwards a felt better, but it was short acting and 15 minutes later I was nausous again and begging for some antinausea meds. 

I didn't feel any cramping this whole time, though it could be that the nausea was too much on my mind.  The monitor never picked up any contractions.  The doctor came in did a digital exam said I was long and closed and therefore not in preterm labour.  She did say that they couldn't run my urine sample because it had skin cells in it so I had to give another one and they decided to catherize me for it.  That was not fun and I think the nurse most have poked something while doing it because the urine was very dark reddish brownish looking.  They kept me on the monitor for a little while longer before sending me home.  After the catherization I had a huge urge to pee so it was hard to concentrate on anything during this time.  Of course when I was finally allowed to pee it strung from the trauma of the catherization.  They said my urine was normal so must not be a UTI, but will be sent for further culture.  I was just happy to finally leave there, by this time it was almost midnight.

Everything is back to normal today which is good.  I do still wonder why I got so sick when I finally got in there though.  It was hot in the waiting room, but not as bad as the doctor's office on Thursday so I don't know.

Friday, February 1, 2013


So not to report about my doctor's appt yesterday.  It was extremely hot in the waiting room and I felt like I was going to die.  I really thought this would show my pressures being sky high, but the nurse said they were 116/84.  I don't believe the 116 is accurate - she used my right arm instead of left, because I am not getting below 130s every time I take it at home twice a day for the past month.
I was 3lb more on the scale after not gainning for a month, but that may just be because she used the manual scale instead of the digital scale like I have been using the last number of times.
Have no idea what my urine dipped, but it was pretty concentrated, so I am guessing at least 1+.

While waiting for the doctor the social worker who I meant in the hospital came in for a consult on her dog.  It is for this reason I try and keep my career a secret from people because once they know I am a vet out comes the questions.  At least it helped past the time.

When the doctor came in I asked for my results from the 24 hr urine from last week.  Turns out it wasn't only completely normal, but very low at 60.   Not sure why it would be so low so now I am even wondering if the test was even run properly - I mean I had 90 at 11 weeks long before my pressures started to rise and how could I be coming up with 1 or 2 plus on the dipstick with a level of 60?  Due to this my appt was pretty brief. 

Then I went over the NSTs, but unfortunately they were full at the time so I had to wait, and wait, and wait.  I ended up waiting for an hour and wouldn't have been as pissed, but after waiting for 20-30 min a couple showed up and they were then taken 15 min later while I still waited there.  If I didn't need the NST I seriously would have walked out the door and went home at that moment.  I know I said this before, but I really hate the way this clinic is run.  I liked the single ob practice I had with my last pregnancy, instead of this place where you go from waiting in one line to waiting in another so one appt takes half your day, not to mention having to pay for parking so the longer I stay the more money it costs me.

Anyways, everything was fine on the NST, but it seemed the fluid was on the low side at just barely 10 - I blame this on waiting for 3 hours that morning.  Anyways, the staff had the nerve to say that if the wait for the doctor's is long that we should come do the nst first if it is less busy.  But that wasn't the problem.  I didn't have to wait very low for the doctor's and definately not enough time to have a NST done and get back before missing my appt.

At least I only have to deal with this on Thursdays and hopefully not much longer.

Today I am having some major cramping so not quite sure what is up with that, but really don't want to go down to the hospital if they will stop on their own like they have done before.

I really think if I make it to 37 weeks I will my doctor to do an amino so we will know if there is any respiratory issues before hand. I have been thinking about things and really wondering what to do if I can not deliver early and have to make it to 39 weeks.  The day I turn 39 weeks is the day after my twin's birthday.  At first I was admirate against having this baby born anytime close to that date especially on the actual day, but now I don't know.  I don't know how dd would feel.  It would make it easier to just have one big celebration on the 5th for both girls than 2 separate days especially when they are so close, not to mention it might be a good thing when they are adults and share their birthdate, but then I also struggle with the fact that I was suppose to have 2 babies born on March 5th, but it wasn't suppose to be like this and dd was suppose to share her birthday with her twin brother not 3 year younger sister.