I had a pretty good ob appt today, except for the very long wait. It took 45 minutes to get into the back and another 45 minutes until I got to see the doctor. The more I go to this place the more I dispise it and wish my old ob was still working here. The place is way too busy, with too many patients (all of them are blacks - not being racists - just find it a weird observation - in fact in the room most things are only written in Spanish instead of English), and there seems to be a lack of communication between each other. When the doctor finally walked in he said I needed to have my blood drawn for the 2nd part of the integrated. I told him I already had it done 3 weeks ago. He then said he needed to wait for them to calculate a risk assessment and I said they already did and it was 1 in 110 and we had already saw a genetic counsellor and the risk was reduced after the anatomy scan.
Then when I was checking out at the door, a women was yelling the name "Sherry". Finally she comes to me and shows me a lab sheet with my name on it and said "Sherry". I said my name is Cheryl. She then says I forgot my lab sheet for the blood draw. I just looked at her and was like are you serious. I already did this weeks ago and told the doctor and he okayed it. This is just one example of how disorganized this place is. If I wasn't more knowledgable I would have been forced into doing 2 quad tests.
Now the good points of the appt. They gave me the flu shot when I immediately went back. Basically didn't ask if I wanted one or not, just are you allergic to eggs or latix? No, okay here is your flu shot. So at least I don't have to worry about flu complications, though I do wonder about getting vaccinated while pregnant. I know it is a stupid worry since 99% of pregnant women get the shot during flu season without problems, but I still worry especially since I never got it with last pregnancy because of the extreme shortage with H1N1 being that year as well.
The doctor immediately came in with the u/s machine, so didn't have to ask him to use the u/s instead of doppler. Of course because of the glare the only thing I really could see was the spine. He tries to point things out and I am just agree even though I can't see a darn thing with how the screen is positioned. BP is still good, which has had me worried since I had my first episode of seeing stars on Saturday night. Of course I don't know if this is a low or high bp side effect. They never told me my bp at the office today which I hate, same with the urine dip stick results - these are other things I dislike about this clinic. My weight is up to 234 which I am not happy about because that means I put on 6 lb in the last 4 weeks. Thank goodness though no one mentioned that as a concern.
I go back in 3 weeks which I am glad it is not 4, and he says that he will book an u/s then to check on growth so I am happy about these things. At least he is starting to take my concerns a bit more seriously now that I am getting half way through the 2nd trimester.
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