Friday, May 4, 2012

WTF appt

I was pretty worried going into today's appt.  Plus I had to go alone since dh had to stay home with dd since I didn't want his mother watching her anymore.  Plus I was expecting an expensive package from fedex today that needed to be refridgerated and was worried that if she was here she wouldn't answer the door. 

Anyways the appt went well.  I am going to go back to doing the anatagonist cycle again, but this time with only a short course of bcp (10-12 days) so that is good and I will only be on the gonal-f which is good.  I will be at the same dose as last cycle the 300 units twice a day (so 600 fsh).  Then I will add in the anatgonist once the lead is 14 or so.  She did say that though I did get more eggs than last time it was less than what she expected.  I said that it was probably because I had such a huge range in size.  She then said out of the 5 eggs 2 were immature and that she expected around 7 eggs.  She did say we will do the IM hcg again instead of SQ which I agree and she wanted to push it even further out to 38 hours, but I told her that I am too worried about ovulating going that late so she said okay we will do 37 hours again since it did work this past cycle.  I also asked about doing the IM progesterone this time and she okayed that so I am to start PIO the night of ER, and then estrace and baby asprin on day 2 after ER.

She also mentioned about doing a day 2 transfer if we only have 2 embryos.  I was surprised because I thought they only offered day 3 or 5.  With my twins I only had the two embryos and they made me wait until day 3 which really worried me (though it worked out in the end).  We agreed to transfer 2 again, she said to do 1 if we make it to blast, but both her and I do not think that we will make it to day 5.  She then said if this cycle doesn't work she suggests doing a hystoscope and biopsy.  I don't know if that will happen because after this cycle I will only have insurance for 2 more months.  Hopefully dh's school plan will allow dependants and cover fertility, but until I know both of those things I can not make plans for the fall.  Here's hoping that this cycle works and I won't have to worry about doing anymore IVF's.

Oh and another thing the nurse agreed to give me Provea if I don't get AF by 28 days.  At first she said to call if I don't get it by 35 days and I said I should definately get it by then because even 28 days is really late for me so then she said okay call by 28 days then.  And I also told the doctor about the co-enzyme Q10.  She was okay with it.  She says there isn't enough studies done on it yet but it is a hot area of research.  She doesn't really think it will help, but says it shouldn't hurt.  I said the same.  Though it does hurt my wallet, but at least I have the satisfication that I am doing everything I can.  Though I do have to admit I have been slacking on the dieting and exercise.  I think being so used to cycling, etc, it is hard to get my mind and body into a work out routine.

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