Tuesday, May 8, 2012

cd 14 and ovulation no where in sight

I am so glad I decided to temp this cycle even though it is looking like my cycle is wacked from the ivf.  I was hoping I would at least ovulate by yesterday, but nope my temperature is still low.  In fact it gave the exact same number as yesterday (97.76) - not sure how that happened - hopefully my thermometer isn't broke.

I know day 14 may not be late for many people, but for me who is used to 21-24 day cycles it is very late.  It really sucks when all you want is to ovulate because then you have to wait another few weeks for AF and it isn't coming. 

I feel like I am just wasting time.  To think if I was able to start bcp this cycle I would already be done by now and having my suspression check, instead I haven't even reached my AF before the pill.

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