Saturday, May 5, 2012

What is with fb and pregnancy announcements

So decided to check fb last night at 11 before going to bed and what do I see when I first sign in, but a huge u/s picture.  Normally this wouldn't surprise me, but it was from one of my cousins who is 42 with 2 teenage children and who has been divorced for over a decade.  Guess she is pregnant and due in September.  Then in the comments one of my other cousins made a weird comment that my aunt (her mother) confirmed that she is pregnant due in November.  This cousin is bipolar and has had two engagements in the past two years both which were called off.  Guess she is with a different guy now and pregnant.  I don't know what to think.  I guess these two cases aren't as bad as one of my other cousins who first got pregnant at 17 and had 3 kids by the time she was 22 by three different men (at least I don't have to here any announcements from her anymore since she is now a lesbian).

I am just shocked and not prepared to hear all this news last night.  I also wonder why God let them get pregnant - one women who should be in premenopause and another who has a very unstable life and relationship history - and not me.  Why do we have to struggle so much?  Why does everything have to be hard for me and dh?  I am just sick of all this trying when so many people get pregnant so easily without a care in the world and I have to deal with it everywhere.  I can't even go on ff anymore because all the women that wanted another baby on the May board have already given birth, with the last of the pregnant people due in the early fall.  I still haven't even gotten a bfp yet!  Then there is the storytimes I take dd to and her therapists.  Luckily I didn't know her SLP was pregnant and she had complications that forced her out of work at 5 months which caused us to receive a different SLP (this at least worked out for the better because I like this new SLP so much better and so does dd).  Then her OT is pregnant and due in July as well.  Luckily she only sees her at group so I don't have to see her very often unless she is around to bring dd out at the end of the day.  Then when I had her down the cape for private therapy last week one of the other mothers there was saying how she had 4 kids (13, 11, 9, and 5) and that she is 8 weeks pregnant with her 5th.  I seriously do not know what I did wrong in a previous life to have to deal with all this crap.  I mean all I want is just one more, not 5, or 14, or 20.  I am 33 so should be in my prime for baby making.  Instead I am DOR and waiting for AF so we can start our fifth ivf cycle.  Even the nurse that helps with the ER know me now - not something that is a good thing. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand how you feel. My cousin, who is like 24 and in a deranged on-and-off marriage, who has two children already and lives with her parents...she announced she was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, and it broke my heart.

    I'm just hoping my IVF works and that I can have a baby of my own to announce soon. It is so unfair.
