I got reported on ff. Being on the hormones have not been helping my mood so it has made me even less tolerant of some of the noob posts on ff. I happened to go on GTTC board this morning which I really shouldn't have with being on high doses of fsh and lupron and still bleeding from AF,but I did because I was bored. There is a post on there from someone newly pregnant saying what worked for her. This happens every month on that board and it is always the same old same old BS. So the poster writes 3 or 4 long paragraphs about everything she has took this past month under the sun. I really like how people do this, like they think they have discovered the secret to getting pregnant. Then I look at the poster's join date and it says Feb 28, 2012. WTF! That is just 1 month ago! So I write a snipe comment about how I find it funny someone who only joined one month ago is trying to write a how to become pregnant post and I tell her that she likely would have gotten pregnant anyhow this month and could have saved herself all the money she spent on vitex and other herbs and pills.
So someone reported me, no surprise there. You know because I didn't wish this woman a happy pregnancy and tell her how awesome she is that she thinks she found the secret ingredient to getting pregnant. Sorry I have little sympathy for such posts. When you are giving yourself 4-5 injections a day for ivf #4 you don't need to hear from a poster who believes that since they started prenatals this month that it is a tip that they can offer others to help them conceive too. Because everyone knows all us women need to do is follow the same things you did and it would work for us too. Excuse me while I go barf in the toilet.
Lol....my thoughts exactly!