That is the answer to today's test. Well really it is bfn, but I don't want to believe that so I keep trying to look at it and try and see a line. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't, so looks like a dreaded evaporate. I can't believe it. For all my times ttc I never had to deal with evaporates. It was always clearly stalk white. This time I can see the hint of where the line should be. I don't know if it is because I know there should be a line there so I imagine it, or if there really is hcg in my urine, but it still left over trigger. Guess this is what I get with testing with a dollar tree test and at 10dpo.
It is upsetting because my last cycle I got a clear bfp on this day, but of course I was carrying twins. With my singleton pregnancy I didn't get a very faint bfp until 12 dpo when I first starting testing (well I did test at 10 dpo with that cycle, but I don't count it since it was only with a IC and even when my beta was over 100 at 14dpo it was still giving me a bfn).
Guess all I can do is just wait for tomorrow and retest again.
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