Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So I am almost half way through this tww. If our embryos are still alive they should be over 100 cells by now and hatching out and attaching to the uterine wall.

I am lucky that this week I have been fairly busy in between dd's therapies and doing house calls I haven't had much time to think about things. Unfortunately because of this I forget many times that I am in the tww and I have lifted dd and bent over too many times to count. Not like it matters since I also tripped over dd's baby gate twice already in the past 3 days and landed face first on the floor. If these embryos made it through that they should make it through anything.

So onto symptoms - so far not much. Started getting sharp uterine cramps today. Not sure if it is from the meds or something else. I have experienced cramping so many times in normal cycles before that sounds like plantation cramp that now I can't put any stock in them and think it is just normal hormonal stuff and fertile women think it is from implantation because they only really experience a couple tww.

I do have a scare a couple of nights ago. My abdomen was cramping pretty bad and my stomach appeared huge (5 month pregnant size). I have never been worried much about OHSS being a poor responder but I couldn't explain this intense pain. By mid day yesterday though I was feeling better thank goodness. Of course this just means that my stomach is a lot fatter than I thought it was :(

I have also decided when I am going to test. My beta is next Friday 15 days past ER. I decided to start on Sunday day 10 and continue until Tuesday. I will then stop if it is still negative and test after I return from my blood draw on Friday. This way I can still hold onto some hope for a positive beta, and if it is negative on Friday then I can prepare myself all day for the phone call that afternoon. I am so grateful though it is on Friday since dh will be home and we won't have to be anywhere or do anything.

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