Thursday, April 12, 2012


First I need to apologize for any mistakes, my laptop died so I am left with writing on my phone only.

So ER was today. Because of what happened last time I was extremely nervous today. I told dh yesterday that I would be estacive if we got at least 5 since I know my numbers were worse than last time and we only got 4 crappy eggs. Also I was so worried that I was going to wake up and hear them say they got none or one that I was a basket of nerves. We had the same nurse, bed, and anesthesiologist as last time - it was starting to feel like déjà vu. Luckily the doctor doing the procedure was different. He asked how many retrievals I already had and I told him three. He then exclaimed then we got to make sure this one works. I didn't tell him we did get one child already out of those 3 cycles. Then I ended up telling the nurse about Caleb. Didn't mean too but she kept asking questions about Caitlyn and the pregnancy and so it came out. I don't know how to answer people sometimes. They ask well meaning questions, but questions I can't answer easily without making the person feel bad for asking.

Anyways they got 5 eggs which I was happy about. I don't know if it is because the worry was finally over, the amount was higher than last time, or the fact that based on my numbers it was only looking like 6 good eggs at most. The doctor said he hoped for more but that the 5 looked good. I didn't tell him that I was overjoyed to have 5. Funny how 1 number makes a difference. Last cycle I was devastated with 4, and this time I am happy with 5. Right now I am hoping for at least 3 to fertilize. I won't find out until Saturdsy. Overall I feel pretty good though, not tired at all which is good because I have my monthly loss group meeting tonight and I am looking forward to going.

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