So I tried using my doppler twice last night - one time for about an hour with no luck so I wasn't feeling very well going in for today's appt. Luckily dh came with me, however we then had to bring dd which even though the staff at the RE's like, I don't because I know other women there may not want to see children at a RE's office. Ususally when I go it is very early in the morning so no one is there which isn't a problem, but today I took the latest appt so there were three people sitting there when we walked in. Hopefully none of them were there to confirm a m/c or get a negative beta.
Anyways, everything went well with the u/s. The baby is measuring on track and has a 177 hb. I got to hear it with the u/s and also got to see the baby briefly wiggle around and wave its arm bud.
I am so relieved since this is a major milestone day for me. My first pregnancy we found out at this stage the baby had died weeks before even though I still had major pregnancy signs and no spotting or bleeding. In fact I had way more symptoms my first pregnancy than I do this one. Not sure why that is, but I guess it shows you you can't rely on symptoms to gage how viable a pregnancy is.
So now our risk of loss is dropped to 3%. Of course I don't like reading into stats since I lost ds at 21 weeks when the chance was less than 1%. However I am trying to hold onto hope that this baby will make it since everything has been looking great with it all along.
I have a 13 days wait now until my next u/s unless I start majorly bleeding which I hope doesn't happen. I still have the SCH, but the tech says it appears smaller and like it is resolving so hopefully by my appt on the 20th it will be gone.
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