Wednesday, August 15, 2012

10 weeks

I am now 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy.
So happy to reach 10 weeks since by this stage everything with the baby should be laid out, so now it just needs to grow and mature so the m/c rate drops greatly.  Just 2-3 more weeks until I am out of the first trimester. 

Of course I don't think I will be able to start prepare for this baby until another 10 weeks from now and a good anatomy scan.  Only then can I breathe a sign of relief that anything is wrong.

I tried the doppler again last night before going to bed.  It has become a nightly routine and I picked up the heartbeat after 15 seconds (would have been faster but because I have been using KY jelly instead of u/s lube it causes a lot of static as the air bubbles disperse.  I was so happy because the night before took 30 minutes and the night before that 60 minutes.  Of course the heartbeat only lasted for a couple of seconds and then it was gone.  It was present just long enough to get a read out of 186 bpm.

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