Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well turns out I got my u/s and my appt moved up from September 17, but I wish it didn't happen as it did.

I have not had any spotting for 3 weeks and no bleeding for 4 weeks and was really starting to enjoy myself and thought the worst was over when out of no where last night it happened.  I was on the phone with my aunt when I felt a gush.  At first I thought I just had a large gush of cervical mucus, but then I started to worry about my water breaking so I felt my crotch and it was wet so then I thought "did I just pee myself", but then when I looked it was bright red blood.  Made worse because I was wearing white capris.

So immediately off to the ER I went.  I only live a minute away from our local hospital so that helped.  When I got there I was immediately taking into triage and when my pressures came back super high (156/100 - likily because the bleeding upset me) and when they found out that I am high risk and my previous pregnancy history I was immediately rushed back into a bed and had 4 nurses there taking information and my vitals.  Needless to say I was shocked at how quickly they responded since I always have to wait 2-4 hours in the waiting room before being taken back.  Even a few months ago when my daughter fell down the stairs they made us wait for 4 hours in the waiting room and I almost walked out twice.  Trust me after last night I think I may have to change my opinion of St. Luke's (okay maybe I won't go that far because I am still mad at how they almost cost mine and dd's life last pregnancy, but it was still nice to be treated with such great service yesterday).  Even when they were taking me back to the bed after waiting 10 min after the bloodwork they apolized about the wait, I was thinking "wtf, what wait, I didn't even have to sit in the waiting room once".

Anyways, the baby is still okay.  I didn't really get to see the u/s, but the tech did put the sound on so I could hear the hb so at least I knew the baby was still alive.  She says my SCH is small, but wouldn't give me the measurements, so not sure if it had grown since 2 weeks ago, but I can't see how it couldn't since I bled so heavily and never had that before - my earlier bleeds were always just very light flow and usually only when I urinated, not like this gushing out of no where. 

This morning the bleeding seemed to have died down, but is still a red bleed.  I am upset that this happened again when I thought the SCH was all over and now I have to be back on bedrest and can't do anything.  I really can't live my whole pregnancy like this.  This afternoon dd's therapist is coming and our place is a mess.  Well a mess is an understatement.  It looks like a tornado has sweeped through it or like on the show Hoarders where they have to take brooms to sweep everything into the trash - that is what it is like.  MIL says just to throw everything in the corner, but it is already like that, plus more.  The whole perimeter of our downstairs is full of piles of different toys pieces, garbage, utenils (because dd likes to take out the spoons and forks and throw them around), papers, clothes, and everything else you can think of or not.  I am going to have to tell her therapist why today which I am not looking forward to, but probably best I do say something.  At least I am not 5 weeks still like I was when I had to tell her speech therapist.

I also have a housecall on Saturday and really can't cancel it.  It isn't about the money, but about the animals and the owner called last week for the appt (it was their choice to wait until the 25th though).  I don't know what to do.  I don't want to risk the baby or starting gushing again when I am there, but plus really don't want to cancel because as of right now I am booked until next Friday.

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