Monday, August 6, 2012


So the hospital called and appartently the doctor who I was suppose to see on the 16th isn't going to be there so now my appt is moved back to the 20th.  I don't know what to do or think.  I think I am just so pissed off and tired of this that I can't even react.  The only good news is hopefully by that time I should be able to hear the baby with the doppler daily to at least ease my mind that way.  It just upsets me that I have to wait until I am almost 11 weeks to have my first real prenatal appt when I am extremely high risk.

I had a tiny amount of spotting again this morning, but it was after a BM so I don't know if it was from the SCH or my cervix.  I really hope the worst of the bleeding/spotting is over and that I get good news on the u/s tomorrow morning.  I will try using the doppler one last time during the night, but not holding my breathe since I haven't been able to pick the baby up at all yet.  I know it is still early so doesn't mean much, but I will feel so much better going into tomorrow's appt if I got the heartbeat on the doppler first.  I don't know what I will do if this baby dies.

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