Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So we got the insurance approval on Friday so everything is set to go.
My drugs will come on Thursday and I take my last bcp on Sunday night and Monday morning have my suspression check.  Hopefully everything is good with that and then we can start stimming.

I had a bit of a scare last week with getting some ewcm on cd11.  I hope it is just from the combo pill and not that I am ovulating through the pill.

On the topic of my last post about my dd's due date board, seems like I was close on the target.  They just posted a poll and currently there are 22 pregnant women, 3 who have already given birth (this will change to 4 since one women is giving birth today), 3 who are ttc (us being one of them), 3 who will ttc in the future but not right now, and 11 who are done having kids.  So basically everyone who wanted to have another child has or is currently pregnant with one, except for us, and to make me feel even worse is that we were probably one of the firsts to start ttc again (20 months ago) compared to the 25 women who are pregnant or had another baby who all only ttc from 0-3 months.

In other news, I have been thinking about the number to transfer again.  I have always said I will only just do one unless we only have two again or they don't look good, etc.  However, now with the added stress of only having the next 4 months to try for good I don't know if I want to risk a eST.  I know it is silly since putting in two will likely only increase the multiple percent and not the pregnancy percent, but I really don't want to risk just doing one and then wasting that time if I get a bfn or m/c.  Of course I really don't want to take the chance carrying twins either.  I'm already scared that history will repeat itself, since I don't know why Caleb's placenta died at 15 weeks and I know I can't go through another high risk pregnancy like that again and develop pre-eclampsia especially now since I am working and am self-employed so I get no time off.  I don't know why things have to be so complicated for me.  Why do I have to deal with all these pregnancy complications ontop of the IF crap.  It isn't fair.  I want my innocence back!


  1. Well....I was on that board had a late loss and still trying over two years later. It does suck that for some people pregnancies and babies come so easily while others have to go to extremes.

    I am so sorry your cycle didn't go as planned. :(

  2. Thanks Gloria
    I know it sucks some of us have to struggle so much though I would never wish IF on anyone just wish none of us have to deal with it
