Sunday, February 26, 2012


So I had to drive all the way up to Lexington this morning because my RE couldn't wait to do monitoring again tomorrow.  Luckily there was hardly any traffic at 8 on a Sunday morning.  Unfortunately this is the only good thing about this morning.  I got to the clinic at 9.  My u/s time was 9:45 (the latest slot) but I figured if I got there earlier I could leave earlier.  It was packed, I signed in and sat down.

For those who have never sat at a RE's waiting for monitoring there is are a few basic rules.
1. don't bring your kids.  I had to break this a few weeks back, but luckily at the Providence office there is always no one there so it isn't a problem.
Rule #2. Don't talk or look at anyone else.  This rule surprises you the first time you have to sit in the reception area.  I really don't know why it is this way, but it seems like an unspoken rule that no one can talk to other people waiting, etc.  This morning I didn't mind though because I actually didn't care to speak or see anyone.  I just wanted one thing and that was to be done so I could leave.  Luckily I now have an iphone to keep me entertained while I wait.  When I was doing my first ivf I wasn't as lucky and magazines in the waiting room can only last you so long.

Anyways wait is what I did.   I waited and waited.  Finally 9:45 came (my scheduled time) and I still waited.  By 10:30 I called dh and told him not to expect me back before lunch.  Finally at 11 there was no one else left.  I went up to the desk because I was seriously pissed and upset at this point.  The receptist said I was next (of course I was next there was no one else there).  Well I waited some more and finally the last u/s tech comes out and says she shut down her machine and was going to join the other tech upstairs in the OR.  When the receptionist said I was still waiting, she didn't believe I had signed in.  I had to physically showed them that at 9am I signed my name.  Appartently they skipped right over me.  Well that made me even more upset.  It is one thing to wait because they are busy and behind (which they said they were), but to physically miss me and keep on going down the list is another thing.  This combined with being very hormonal was not a good mix.  The tech apologized and after confirming with the OR took me back.  It wasn't much consolutes though since I wasted 2 hours of my time waiting and 3 hours driving and they almost were going to leave without even doing me.
She then goes on about how they want her upstairs but she told them they have to wait because she had to scan me.  Well of course you have to scan me first, you should have OVER AN HOUR AGO!

Anyways the results from today are:
estrogen 936
9 follicles between 12-17 (the top 2 are 16 and 17 - she wouldn't tell me any other individual numbers)
I have to continue the meds tonight and go again for monitoring tomorrow in Providence.
So now I am pissed because the trip to Lexington today was a waste like I had known.  I wasted over $20 gas and 5 hours of my day to travel 150 miles and I am still not ready to trigger and have to go back to Providence again tomorrow.  I can understand my RE thinking my follicles may have grown more, but she should know that I have slow growers.
Anyways I am just hoping that things look good for tomorrow so I can trigger tomorrow night because I really can't do ER on Thursday and ET on Sunday because it is dd's birthday party. 

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