Well I have good news and bad news.
Good news looks like there are 8 follicles, not 7 like the tech said.
Left ovary - 12, 13
Right ovary - 11, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16
Not sure what my estrogen is because a different nurse called because it is the weekend and all she said was that the bloodwork was good, but didn't tell the numbers.
Now the bad news - they don't want me to wait until Monday so I have to go back for bloodwork and u/s tomorrow and since it is Sunday the Providence office is closed so I have to drive all the way up to the main office in Lexington. The only good news is that hopefully with it being a Sunday traffic shouldn't be bad and they put me in at 9:45 so I don't have to worry about leaving too too early, but it still sucks having to drive 1.5 hours each way just for bloodwork and u/s and with gas prices the way they are there is another $20 that I wasn't planning for, especially when we will likely have to go to Lexington twice this coming week for ER and ET.
So there you have it. I was hoping to get a definate answer on when ER will be today and looks like I will have to wait for tomorrow. The only definate I can say is it will be either Tuesday or Wednesday. I was really hoping for Wednesday since dd has an ENT appt and her school on Tuesday so if ER is on that day I will need to cancel both of those. At least me and dh will be able to make it for our Monday counselling appt. We haven't been for 2 months because of different things coming up on that day so I am glad I didn't have to cancel another appt again.
Oh and I also received the insurance statement for dh's testing and dd's stuff. The good news is we are only $290 away from reaching our $4000 family deducible so the ivf will cost us basically nothing. The bad news is dh is being charged over $900 for just his testing. I am hoping to see if MassHealth will pick up the tab for the hormones and genetic testing, but not to sure if they will. The hospital charged us over $500 just to test fsh, estrogen, and testosterone on him. The insurance gave no discount on the charges the hospital gave which is BS! Also dd has $1500 of charges just from December appts. Masshealth though should cover all of her stuff so we should be all set on that.
So glad I signed the both of them up for it.
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