Thursday, February 21, 2013

She is here

My c-section was suppose to be at 1:30 yesterday, but got pushed back until 3 thanks to an emergency (wasn't very pleased since I had been off food and drink from 10pm the night before). The start of surgery wasn't very good - I got very sick when laid on my back probably from the uterus preventing blood to return to my heart. I never experienced this last time, maybe because I was only 31 weeks then, I don't know. Anyways, I had trouble breathing and got very nauseous and ended up spitting up a few times and blacking out for probably the first 5 minutes of surgery. I don't know - I woke up and heard them talking about how my uterus looked so they must have already opened my abdomen.

After that things went alright. It took about 10 minutes of tugging to get the baby out. I don't recall that really being a problem with my last c-section either. The good part was when they did get her out the warming bed was directly to the left of us so I got to watch them examine her while being sewed up - with dd's birth the newborn area was on the other side of the OR behind the sheet so I didn't get to see anything.  The baby weighed 6lb 10oz and is 19 inches long so not too bad for being 3 weeks early. She had some trouble breathing at first, but they said it was due to the c-section. Her apnea scores were 2, 8, and 9.

I spent 2.5 hours in recovery which was pretty easy except for the constant belly checks - the nurse doing me seemed to really like to press down as hard as she could on my belly button (I hate having my belly button area touched anyhow) and even though she was only suppose to check every 15 minutes, it seemed like she was checking every 5.

Got a room at 7 last night and was finally able to drink, but by 8:30 I had massive vomiting episode that came out of no where so I was off drink again until midnight and then had to take things easy. Of course this meant that today my kidneys were hardly working since not having any liquids for over a day so instead of them pulling my u-cath at 12 hours it was kept in until almost 24 hours.

She is a very quiet baby and likes to sleep a lot. Unfortunately this means she is not a good nurser - and even refuses to open her mouth and try and suck. I thought there was problem at first until I finally tried a bottle and after much effort she finally picked up a suck, but bf isn't happening right now so that means I have to pump if I have any hopes to ever take her to the breast. I was really hoping for an easy bf experience this time since I didn't have a good experience with dd since she was so premature. I thought this time with being full-term would fix things, but I guess she is still too immature in that department.

She does have a heart murmur and may be developing jaundice (her bilirubin is still fine today, but I read that it peaks between 3-5 days) so they are going to monitor her over the next few days for these things. She also have webbed toes on both feet. The doctor said it may be nothing, but can also be seen in some genetic syndrome. I don't know why they always have to find things wrong so now I am worried about this. I know it is best to pick up on these things now, just wish I could have a perfect healthy baby.                

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