Monday, February 18, 2013


Well dd had a massive vomiting session last night at 5pm.  After that I swore I was going to be throwing up all night with her, but luckily that didn't happen and today she has been fine all day.  And apart from some queasiness this morning, so have I.  Though I will feel better if I can make it another day without getting sick.

This morning I had to go to the hospital for pre-op blood work.  It really sucks having to drive 30 min to a hospital just to have some blood taken, and then also being charged $4 for parking because by the time you park, walk to the building, go to the information desk, then the registers desk, then the lab, have the blood taken and then walk back to your car the free 15 minutes is up.  I don't understand why they don't give the first 30 minutes for free, instead of only 15 min.  You can't do anything in 15 min time.

The good news is I was able to run some errands though and my bag is 50% packed.  Also mine and dd's room is now clean.  Tomorrow I have my last monitoring appt and will do the finaling touches on mine and dd's bag so everything will be all set for Wednesday morning.  We will have to be out the door that morning at 9 in order to drive dd to dh's parent's who live in the complete opposite direction of the hospital.

It is hard to believe in less than 48 hours this baby will be here.

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