Wednesday, February 6, 2013

35 weeks

Well I feel a million times worse today with this cold so I had to reschedule my WIC appt until Friday.  I can hardly ever get out of bed.   I hope I feel better tomorrow because I need to go to the doctor's and I will likely be there all morning long.  I don't understand why I am so sick when dd never seemed that sick.  She has been coughing on and off for a couple of weeks, but only bad at night and only had one day of a runny nose.  I have already gone through 2 kleenix boxes in the past 2 days due to this cold.  Then dh had the nerve to pick a fight with me saying he is just as sick, but he has to be up to do his school work and some housework.  I told him there is no way he can be as sick as me because I can't even leave my bed.  It also doesn't help that my whole abdomen and half my chest is being taking up by the baby and I can't take any meds to make me feel better.

His mother also tried to call today, but it was during the one time that I got up to get some food.
Guess she wants to take dd out on Saturday afternoon.  She can't pick a worse time.  One we will be out with dd all morning in Providence, two his father is home here on the weekends to help, and three we are expected to get a snow storm Friday and Saturday - so you know MIL would then use that as an excuse to not so up on Saturday.  She knows we need help during the weekdays cause FIL isn't here, not the freaking weekend.  I am not very impressed with her right now.  Then dh goes into how he is sick and I won't get out of bed and help.  No mention that I am severely sick and also spotting.  No he refuses to tell his mother these things so I look like a lazy no good mother.

The one piece of good news is dd stayed in her room until 6 this morning.  Thank goodness because I really wasn't in the mood with having to share the bed with her last night when I felt so rotten.

Just 4 more weeks until they will do a c-section, though I don't think we will make it that far since I have already lost my plug and having some bloody show.

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