Sunday, February 24, 2013

Going home

Today is discharge day.  I am actually looking forward to going home and hopefully not seeing another hospital room for a long time.  Before I became a mother I was never admitted or stayed overnight in a hospital, now it seems like a 2nd home some times, this was especially true last pregnancy where I spent 3 weeks on hospital bedrest.  I am happy this time though that the baby will be coming home with me and not staying in the nicu.

BF has gotten better, but it is still not going perfect and I am still pumping and bottle feeding every 3 hours which if things don't change, I can't see bf lasting long term.  DD isn't expected home until Tuesday and then she will be at school Tuesday afternoon so I will have a couple of days with just the baby to contend too.

As for her health, the heart murmur turned out to be due to a PDA.  It is funny that my premature dd doesn't have a PDA, but my full-term baby does.  Of course this raises the questions in us that she may have inherited dh's chromosome problems.  A genetisit came by on Friday morning because of our history and they took blood to run the microassay so we should find out in 3-4 weeks if there is anything abnormal in terms of chromosome makeup for the baby.  We also have to f/u with the cardologist in a month's time too because of the PDA.  He suggested since she wasn't premature that they wait a few years before correcting the PDA and do it by femoral cathetization.  When dh was 2, the only option was open heart surgery which had a 50% survival, so I am glad pediatic cardiology has come a long way since the 70s.  Of course it does worry me waiting so long to correct the problem.  By the time dh was 2, he was turning blue and collapsing.  I don't want the baby to get to that stage.  I think that isn't another concern of mine when feeding her, that I don't want to try and stress her too much and bf isn't easy.

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