Friday, September 21, 2012


So far it has been 5 days now of no spotting.  I really hope this means the SCH is gone for good.  Of course I still plan to take it easy for the next week and likely will be on pelvic rest and restricted lifting for the remaining 25 weeks.

I really can't wait until I can start feeling movement.  Last night I thought I was finally feeling flutters, but it is hard to say.  Since I felt kicks so much from 8-10 weeks when I knew was impossible to feel anything, same with for months after birth, it has made me wonder if what I feel is real or not.

CPS can for their visit again today.  DH showed them the house again and we had dh's parents here for support.  The woman said that since the concern of the messy house seems to have been taken care of very likely the case will be closed, but she needs to submit it to her supervisor first and we will hear from her on Tuesday.  So it looks good that this nightmare will hopefully be over.  I really hope so because we have enough stress in our lives right now and don't need the added stress of cps there too.

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