Saturday, September 1, 2012


I know I haven't wrote in the last number of days.  I have been busy working with it being the end of the month and end of the summer, plus there really hasn't been anything new to report.
It has now been 7 weeks since I started bleeding and though I had 3 week break from 8-11 weeks it feels like I have been spotting/bleeding and on partial bedrest this whole pregnancy.

I started having red spotting again on Thursday after a week of only brown spotting.  Luckily it just lasted over night and for the last 2 days have just been brown spotting, but it does worry me how much comes out and I am forced to wear a pad 24 hours a day again.  At this rate I will run out of pads in a few weeks and will need to buy more.  Never thought I would be going down that aisle while pregnant.  I thought it was one thing I didn't have to worry about buying :(

DH is now done working and starting Wednesday he will be a full time student.  We shall see how this works out though it will be weird having him home all the time, but I am glad at the freedom that this now allows in our schedule.  Of course he hasn't really pleased me so far his first two days off - when he isn't running the one or two errands I ask him each day he has been up stairs playing his xbox.  Hopefully this won't continue and he is just starting to get it out of his system.

Also we were really looking forward to having his father finally leave.  Though it has helped having him here over the past 8 months in terms of money and helping with dd, it has gotten to be too much.  Unfortunately last night he made it official that he is changing his leave date again - he now says October 1.  We have been dealing with this now for 4 months.  First it was the beginning of May, then May 18, then the end of of June, then August 1, then September 3, and now on August 31 he is saying October 1.  See a pattern happening here?  I really don't know what to do.  He is now living in the living room so at least dh can use the bedroom for his school work, but still, we don't have the room to keep him here anymore, but can't really throw him out on the street so we are kind of struck.
Right now, I just pray he is out before Christmas.

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