So I spent over 3 hours at the doctor's this morning so wasn't very happy. First I went in an hour early to drop off my urine. This resulted in the lab women telling me that she could not take the jug without it having a label and I needed to go across to the doctor's office to get a label. So I do this, they tell me I need to sign in right then before they could help me (good thing at least I was seeing the doctor today). So then I had to wait to be registered. Then when it is finally done the lady tells me they are out of labels and at best she could print it on a piece of paper to show that I was registered. So back to the lab I go and wait for a 3rd time. Finally get to go in and the lab women says that being registered wasn't the issue, it is the fact that she can't take the jug without my name on it and as long as someone even wrote on it with a marker or crayon or anything than it would be fine. By this point the hour was almost up and I was getting close to my appt time so she calls one of the nurses to come down and write my name on the jug. Then she says that she can't run anything until after I see the doctor and have him decide if he wants blood work, so I leave with my lab slip not getting any further than when I started an hour before.
Went to the doctor office and asked if they called me, the woman said no, but I was next on the list so I sit thinking I would be called in 5 or so minutes. Over 30 minutes go by before I am finally called and brought back and at first I didn't even know if I was being called because the woman pronounced my name as Chair-o, instead of Cheryl. My weight is still the same as last week (which is the pound less than it was 2 weeks ago) so I don't know what is going on there. My bp was 124/90. Surprised the systolic was so low when I haven't got anything below 130 for the past week. The diastyolic seems to like to stay around the low 90s now, instead of the low 80s or high 70s as it has been doing all along. There was 1+ protein on the urine, so I guess better than 2 weeks ago when I had 2+, the real deciding factor will be the 24hr urine though.
Luckily I only had to wait 5-10 minutes for the doctor instead of 45 like sometimes after I am brought back. The doctor starts off by saying it is good I am now 33 weeks and the baby would do well if born now. I then ask him about delivering at 37 weeks if I make it that far and he starts to balk saying that there is a chance the baby may have respiratory problems if that is done. I don't understand how at the start of the appt you can say 33 weeks is good, and then at the end make like 37 weeks is not good enough. Anyways he didn't totally set down the offer, but wouldn't agree to it yet saying that how I respond over the next 2 weeks will be the deciding factor. I can understand about not delivering too early and trust me it isn't that I don't want to be pregnant any longer, but me and my family really can't take this bedrest and constant worry that I may have another bleed, etc. DH starts school again tonight and I worry to death what this means in terms of him being able to watch dd. I also worry about the bedrest is doing to dd who doesn't understand why I keep going into my room and closing the door so she can't come in. I can understand waiting to 39 weeks with for a women with an uncomplicated pregnancy, but not someone who is high risk like me who already had 3 hospitalizations due to heavy bleeding and starting to be hypertensive. Really no study can tell me it is safer to keep this baby in past 37 weeks, the only thing that will increase past this time is my chance of another stillbirth, and I really can't go through that, not after coming this far.
So I wasn't really pleased with this new doctor. My appt only lasted 5 minutes and in that time he did nothing, but just talk. He didn't measure me or listen to the baby. He then says how it is good that I am no longer bleeding, like the fact that I am not bleeding this second means I won't bleed again. When I have a bleeding episode it happens out of nowhere, there is no warning and usually occurs during the middle of the night to make things harder with having to get dressed and the car cleaned off, etc. So no, I can't be 100% happy just because I am not bleeding right now because it may start again in an hour, 2 days, 2 weeks, etc. But I am pretty sure it will happen again and next time may be the big one that we will not be able to make through okay.
Before I left I had him look at my lab slip and he added the bloodwork so I tried going back to the lab, but it was packed, so I went and did the NST since they were going to close at 12. This was the only time all morning I didn't have to wait. During the test the baby's heart rate slowed down and dropped a few times very low so I was concerned, but the nurses weren't since she was reactive as well so passed the test. After googling a bit afterwards I guess the heart drops were probably okay because they were very brief - a few seconds and didn't get below 90-100, though did come close a few times. I don't have another NST until Monday so it is worrisome that I have to make it through the next 4 days worrying if things are okay.
After this was over I went back to the lab since they still had my urine sitting there - luckily I put ice packs in when I left this morning since it was now 3 hours later since I first dropped it off at the lab. Of course the place was packed again so I ended up waiting almost an hour to finally be seen. Go in and the woman says I should have had the doctor fill out a new form (instead of just adding to it)because my form was from Sunday and that my lab order is not in the computer. By this point I am beyond annoyed since I have no control over people not doing their jobs. She ended up calling again to one of the nurses who hopefully will get the matter staightened out and put the stuff in the computer. If they don't run my urine I will be very pissed since I spent all day yesterday and all night collecting it and it isn't easy when we have one bathroom upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs and I am suppose to be on bedrest so not going up and down the stairs every hour to get the jug to pee in.
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