Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So my u/s yesterday gave no answers, personally I don't think the tech really spent the time to look since the scan only took 5 min and she also had to measure the growth and fluid levels.  The doctor thinks I should be happy that nothing was found, but all it does is just makes me even more frustrated.  I know something is wrong, so telling me the scan is normal doesn't answer my questions and just makes me worry even more, not to mention it likely makes me look crazy to people - some people already think I am crazy about this bleeding and don't believe me, like I would make something like this up. 

I hope my doctor appt goes well tomorrow because none of us can take this anymore.  I was up every 2 hours last night going to the bathroom worrying that I will start bleeding again and dh is starting to lose it having to take care of everything around the house. 

Tonight we have the hospital tour.  Don't feel like going, but we won't get our money back if we cancel now so have no choice.  I need to sit in a wheel chair though since I can't walk around.  Not sure if anything will be helpful.  I only signed up for the tour since I have never been to the hospital before, however now after being admitted 3 times in the past month I know pretty much all the routine that is done.

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