Wednesday, January 30, 2013

34 weeks

Another milestone reached.  I am now 3 weeks past when I delivered last time and 3 weeks from being full-term, and have at most max 5 weeks left.
I really wish I could enjoy this pregnancy since it will be my last time being pregnant, but with being so tired, being on bedrest and not doing anything while the house just gets more and more messy and disasterous, and constantly worrying something is going to go wrong I can't help it.
Really, I am looking forward to it to all be over so I can be able to do things again (even if it means being tired down with an infant) and knowing she is here and safe.  I am also upset I had to shut my business down early - today I got 2 calls and had to refer them to someone else (I bet the other mobile vet in town is starting to love me).  I worry what turning all these people away will cost me in the end.  At least money isn't as much of a problem.  Found out dh is going to get $2000 in the TEACH grant on the 20th along with the rest of his left over loan money so I should be able to pay off all our credit card debit and we should have enough to get by until his loan money comes in again in the Fall and this is with him taking the whole summer off.

I go back to the doctor's tomorrow so hopefully it is a better experience than last Thursday.  Still haven't heard the urine's result so I am guessing it is still normal, which I am not surprised about.  My pressures are also staying around borderline, so either they will stay like this, but most likely in the coming weeks they will start to rise further to the point I will need to be delivered.  Still no signs of PE, though my feet are starting to swell a little, it is very very mild and not noticable by sight (I just notice it by feel like the skin is stretching).

Thursday, January 24, 2013


So I spent over 3 hours at the doctor's this morning so wasn't very happy.  First I went in an hour early to drop off my urine.  This resulted in the lab women telling me that she could not take the jug without it having a label and I needed to go across to the doctor's office to get a label.  So I do this, they tell me I need to sign in right then before they could help me (good thing at least I was seeing the doctor today).  So then I had to wait to be registered.  Then when it is finally done the lady tells me they are out of labels and at best she could print it on a piece of paper to show that I was registered.  So back to the lab I go and wait for a 3rd time.  Finally get to go in and the lab women says that being registered wasn't the issue, it is the fact that she can't take the jug without my name on it and as long as someone even wrote on it with a marker or crayon or anything than it would be fine.  By this point the hour was almost up and I was getting close to my appt time so she calls one of the nurses to come down and write my name on the jug.  Then she says that she can't run anything until after I see the doctor and have him decide if he wants blood work, so I leave with my lab slip not getting any further than when I started an hour before.

Went to the doctor office and asked if they called me, the woman said no, but I was next on the list so I sit thinking I would be called in 5 or so minutes.  Over 30 minutes go by before I am finally called and brought back and at first I didn't even know if I was being called because the woman pronounced my name as Chair-o, instead of Cheryl.  My weight is still the same as last week (which is the pound less than it was 2 weeks ago) so I don't know what is going on there.  My bp was 124/90.  Surprised the systolic was so low when I haven't got anything below 130 for the past week.  The diastyolic seems to like to stay around the low 90s now, instead of the low 80s or high 70s as it has been doing all along.  There was 1+ protein on the urine, so I guess better than 2 weeks ago when I had 2+, the real deciding factor will be the 24hr urine though.

Luckily I only had to wait 5-10 minutes for the doctor instead of 45 like sometimes after I am brought back.  The doctor starts off by saying it is good I am now 33 weeks and the baby would do well if born now.  I then ask him about delivering at 37 weeks if I make it that far and he starts to balk saying that there is a chance the baby may have respiratory problems if that is done.  I don't understand how at the start of the appt you can say 33 weeks is good, and then at the end make like 37 weeks is not good enough.  Anyways he didn't totally set down the offer, but wouldn't agree to it yet saying that how I respond over the next 2 weeks will be the deciding factor.  I can understand about not delivering too early and trust me it isn't that I don't want to be pregnant any longer, but me and my family really can't take this bedrest and constant worry that I may have another bleed, etc.  DH starts school again tonight and I worry to death what this means in terms of him being able to watch dd.  I also worry about the bedrest is doing to dd who doesn't understand why I keep going into my room and closing the door so she can't come in.  I can understand waiting to 39 weeks with for a women with an uncomplicated pregnancy, but not someone who is high risk like me who already had 3 hospitalizations due to heavy bleeding and starting to be hypertensive.  Really no study can tell me it is safer to keep this baby in past 37 weeks, the only thing that will increase past this time is my chance of another stillbirth, and I really can't go through that, not after coming this far.

So I wasn't really pleased with this new doctor.  My appt only lasted 5 minutes and in that time he did nothing, but just talk.  He didn't measure me or listen to the baby.  He then says how it is good that I am no longer bleeding, like the fact that I am not bleeding this second means I won't bleed again.  When I have a bleeding episode it happens out of nowhere, there is no warning and usually occurs during the middle of the night to make things harder with having to get dressed and the car cleaned off, etc.  So no, I can't be 100% happy just because I am not bleeding right now because it may start again in an hour, 2 days, 2 weeks, etc.  But I am pretty sure it will happen again and next time may be the big one that we will not be able to make through okay.

Before I left I had him look at my lab slip and he added the bloodwork so I tried going back to the lab, but it was packed, so I went and did the NST since they were going to close at 12.  This was the only time all morning I didn't have to wait.  During the test the baby's heart rate slowed down and dropped a few times very low so I was concerned, but the nurses weren't since she was reactive as well so passed the test.  After googling a bit afterwards I guess the heart drops were probably okay because they were very brief - a few seconds and didn't get below 90-100, though did come close a few times.  I don't have another NST until Monday so it is worrisome that I have to make it through the next 4 days worrying if things are okay.

After this was over I went back to the lab since they still had my urine sitting there - luckily I put ice packs in when I left this morning since it was now 3 hours later since I first dropped it off at the lab.  Of course the place was packed again so I ended up waiting almost an hour to finally be seen.  Go in and the woman says I should have had the doctor fill out a new form (instead of just adding to it)because my form was from Sunday and that my lab order is not in the computer.  By this point I am beyond annoyed since I have no control over people not doing their jobs.  She ended up calling again to one of the nurses who hopefully will get the matter staightened out and put the stuff in the computer.  If they don't run my urine I will be very pissed since I spent all day yesterday and all night collecting it and it isn't easy when we have one bathroom upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs and I am suppose to be on bedrest so not going up and down the stairs every hour to get the jug to pee in.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


So I am back in triage, though this time for bp issues instead of bleeding. I did start brown spotting again overnight after being spot free for 4 days but didn't think it was a big deal. My diastolic pressures started to rise yesterday 93 last night then 95 and 90 this morning so I called the hospital and was told to come in. On check in here it was 96. The systolic has been hovering in the 130s which is normal and the only reason why I think they are not high is because I haven't been doing anything due to being on bedrest.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

32 weeks

Not having a very good day today.   I started having lots of mucus with brown blood around 4 this morning.  Passed a few brown clots.  At 7 there was a streak of red spotting, then brown.  I started cramping.  Left for my doctor's appt shortly after 7:30.  My appt was for 8:45 and it is a 30 minute drive so figured I would have plenty of time for traffic and parking.

What I didn't figure on though was that it was going to be sleeting and people refused and the roads would be so packed that the whole way I drove from 0-10 miles an hour instead of 65.  I finally arrived at 9:20 - so almost 2 hours later and more than 30 min late for my appt.  Also of course there was no first floor parking or even close 2nd floor parking so I didn't to park on the 3rd floor ramp, almost slipped coming out of my car since the 3rd floor isn't covered and having to walk down the stairs and make the track to the doctor's office.  I really wish I could take advantage of one of the millions of handicap spots on the first floor, but doubt I could get a temporary sticker quick enough to be able to use it.

Luckily I didn't have to wait long at the doctor's office, but then I found that my doctor doesn't work on Wednesday, only Monday mornings so I was put in with the resident which I was not happy about since I really need to speak to my doctor about some things.  To make matters worse is he is also not in next week because Monday is a holiday and then we run into the same problem for half of February.  The one nurse is going to see if I can switch to the Tuesday doctor so will call tomorrow if that is possible.  Really don't want to be switching doctors this late in the game, but I can't keep seeing a resident.

I then started the first round of NST due to being 32 weeks now.  At first they claimed I am only down for once a week which I got upset about and told them no my doctor said I would be having them twice a week.  I specificly remember this conversation with him back in August because I thought it was crazy that that was the best he would offer is twice weekly NST starting at 32 weeks when last pregnancy I had them 3 times a day starting at 29 weeks and didn't even make it to 31w1d.
After much bitching the nurse finally letted me come twice a week if it makes me feel better so I will be going back Friday afternoon.  I don't really like the drive or parking costs, but I am not having less monitoring than what my doctor told me he was going to do, especially now since I am having problems.  Heck I don't even know if I will make it another week. 

I am pretty positive of 2 things though.  I will have another bleed, likely by the weekend, and I will get PE and iugr in the next month if I make it that long.  I just have a feeling on these things.  I also am right now only about 75% positive we will make it out of this pregnancy with a live baby.  I hate saying that, but since this bleeding incidents I don't feel very confident and I can't look at any baby stuff right now or even try planning for this baby.  I had another nightmare last night that I was severely bleeding and my placenta was fully abrupting.  This is the 2nd such nightmare I have had in the past 3 days.  I can't even get away from this crap in my sleep!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So my u/s yesterday gave no answers, personally I don't think the tech really spent the time to look since the scan only took 5 min and she also had to measure the growth and fluid levels.  The doctor thinks I should be happy that nothing was found, but all it does is just makes me even more frustrated.  I know something is wrong, so telling me the scan is normal doesn't answer my questions and just makes me worry even more, not to mention it likely makes me look crazy to people - some people already think I am crazy about this bleeding and don't believe me, like I would make something like this up. 

I hope my doctor appt goes well tomorrow because none of us can take this anymore.  I was up every 2 hours last night going to the bathroom worrying that I will start bleeding again and dh is starting to lose it having to take care of everything around the house. 

Tonight we have the hospital tour.  Don't feel like going, but we won't get our money back if we cancel now so have no choice.  I need to sit in a wheel chair though since I can't walk around.  Not sure if anything will be helpful.  I only signed up for the tour since I have never been to the hospital before, however now after being admitted 3 times in the past month I know pretty much all the routine that is done.

Monday, January 14, 2013


So the bleeding stopped until 4am when I tried to go #2. I then passed a bloody clot and started brown spotting that tapered quickly. They refused to give me am u/s here - yet they have no problem running useless tests like an EKG and a drug screen. Luckily I got the good nurse on this morning who I had back with my 1st admission last month, who knows my profession and thinks it is crazy they would even bother.

So like before they are letting me go, so I begged for it to be before 1:30 so I could at least make my u/s appt (which was rescheduled from last week). I hate leaving because I know this isn't the end of the bleeding issues, but I can't bare another day not having an u/s and knowing what is going on.
They rescheduled my dr appt though until Thursday which I AMA bit preened about since I was suppose to be seen this morning and now I have to wait 3 days - and we all know I may not even make it 3 days before bleeding again.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


So I made it 2.5 days after being released before I started bleeding again. Luckily I was up at 3am when it started with a big gush of blood. I immediately got dressed and went to the local hospital again. It took them a while to find the baby which was real nerve wracking. Also in the few minute drive over I filled the whole pad with blood. I then had to wait 2 hours for the doctor to check me since they wanted the lab results back first. I was also cramping during this time so it wasn't fun. The doctor did a digital exam and pulled out an exam glove filled with blood and then proceeded to to me I wasn't really bleeding red and to go home and rest.

I told him to call Providence that they would wang to see me and have me sent by ambulance but he refused and said it isn't necessary and that if I felt like going there I could drive myself. I was ferious by this point and couldn't believe this doctor was going to send me home with heavy red bleeding just because I wasn't contracting and refused to call my hospital to speak to the high risk team.

I told the nurse to get the stuff off of me and thanks for wasting 2 hours of my time. I then showed her the pad on the bed and after wiping and said this is red. I don't know if they are color blind or what, but I think I know what bright red blood looks like since I have had almost every color of blood under the rainbow. I immediately exited the hospital and since I never the l&d floor before except in a stretcher I had no idea where I was outside. It took me 15 min of walking to find my car(I am duppose to be on bedrest). I was yelling help I don't know where I am but unfortunately since it was 5am the streets and outside hospital was completely vacant. I was so worried that the walking was going to make the bleed more. Finally found the ER entrance and my car and drove the 30 mile drive to Providence going 90 miles an hour in decent fog. I am lucky I didn't get killed but since they refused to send an ambulance I had no choice.
Of course by the time I got there my heart rate was in the 150s and the bleeding died do to a medium flow. The doctor seemed more concerned about my heart than the bleeding and it pissed me off because it was heavy but by then 3 hours had passed. She then tells me they will admit me but it is only because of my heart and says that I need to stop worrying and then asks if there is violence at home. This really pissed me off. The only this I am worried about is having another bleed. There was no reason for this bleed this morning. I was on full bedrest at home. I was doing nothing when this happened and I felt itching before the gush happened and the bleeding started.

Snyder the time I got brought up to a room another 3 hours had passed and the bleeding pretty much stopped to just a few x ant amounts on the pad. I am in her til tomorrow though.

I really don't know why this is happening. It is really nerve wracking and I don't know what to about it. Not to mention the doctors here don't realize how serious it is when it starts because by the time I get here it is on its way of stopping. I don't know why it does that. Like there is a pocket of blood that pools and then releases at once. I cs think of no other explanation.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


So they are going to release me. Though I would rather be at home, I am not happy about this news. The bleeding died down, but I don't know if that is just because I am in bed. I did start dark red bleeding again with clots this morning after going #2 but that eventually stopped. I don't know what to think and frankly just annoyed that I have been dealing with this bleeding crap all pregnancy and just because the baby is fine on the moniter, my pressures are normal and the bleeding died down (both likely due to the fact I am on total bedrest here) they won't keep me and to make matters worse they refuse to give me an u/s even though I was suppose to have one yesterday.
They say I should just wait until MIT doctor appt on Monday and have him reorder one meaning I would have another week or two wait. Well that isn't going to happen. I called up the place and got an appt Monday afternoon. Of course this means now having to be out all day on Monday and getting through the next 3 days without being scanned it is the best I can do. I am so pissed off and if there is something seriously wrong and I lose this baby they are going to pay.

Oh and in other bad news I broke my 6 month old laptop last night - yep 4 hrs after having dh come down with it. Thank goodness I brought an accidental plan when we brought it so the repair should be covered but I am just pissed because it shouldn't have broke at ll. I pressed the screen with my thumb to try and move it and immediately the screen broke and is 100% unusable. I don't get it. My old laptop I stepped on by accident and hot a small crack but still able to use it, this time I just touched it with my thumb, there is no bisable crack. But the whole screen is messed up with lines and colors. I don't understand how my thumb could cause that much damage. At least I have my phone to use, but seriously it isn't the same.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

31 weeks

I was going to make a good post today about reaching my birth date last pregnancy and about my growth scan that was suppose to be done today but I can't.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning to pee. Noticed my pj bottoms were wet. At first I thought great I am bleeding again but it wasn't red so then I thought great I peed my pants when I need to collect every drop of urine for the 24hr test. Then when I went to the toilet that was bright red blood. I immediately woke dh up and tried throwing on clothes to drive over to the local hospital but my car was frozen so instead of spending 5 min trying to scrap it I called 911. Of course then it took the ambulance 15 min to show up and then another 15 min inside to get an iv and everything in. And all this time I didn't feel any mom cement so I was freaking out.

When I arrived at the hospital 45 min later (the hospital is only a few min drive away) my heart rate was in the 140s and my pressures were high. At first they didn't know if they were picking up mine or the baby's heart rate since I was so tachycardia. Luckily they finally distinguished between the 2 and I felt the baby move. One of the women from my lost group lost her son this way so it was a big relief to know the baby was still alive.

It took an hour for my heart rate to come down and my pressures were normal lying down. I passed a quarter sized clot 2 hours later when going to the bathroom again. After that the bleeding slowed down and the baby was responding well on the moniters but because I am seen in Providence they then transferred me over there for further care so by 8 this morning I was in my 2nd ambulance of the day.

At Providence they did the same thing again. The bleeding was now spotting. Finally at 11 they told me that I was going to be admitted again for continuous monitoring so that is how things stand right now.

I have to be on the moniters 24 hours a day, they don't know the cause of the bleeding, I didn't get an u/s since I missed growth scan appt, and I don't know how long I will be in here for. To make mattrs worse a client called this morning so now I have to call them back since I likely will not be working until April now. I can't take the risk even if I get out of the hospital. Yesterday was the first day in the past month that I went shopping since I need to do things (buy stuff for the hospital and put money in the bank to pay the bills) and I seriously wonder if that is why this happened.

My urine is also in the lab so hopefully I will find out the results soon on if I have PE or not. Of course I don't know how accurate the sample I'd now with blood in it and if I did pee my pants overnight. I asked at St Luke's if it could be my water but the doctor says no because my cervix is closed so we shall see.

This is not how I had envisioned reaching 31 weeks! Oh we'll guess I can be happy that I am not delivering today like last time.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Well not a very good doctor appt this morning.  I was feeling good that my pressures were back to normal this weekend, but this morning it was back up to 129/93 on my machine.  An hour later at the doctor's office it was 130/90, guess I could be happy that my machine is working properly.
I also had 2+ protein on the dipstick compared to trace every other time.  So I had to go have blood drawn to check my liver and kidney values and do another 24 hr urine tomorrow and drop it off when I go for my u/s on Wednesday.  I am not feeling confident about things and am sure that my urine will likely come back with the start of PE.  I guess the only thing I can be happy about is that it is happening much later this time.  I am 2 days away from when I delivered last pregnancy and by that point I had severe PE for the past month and a half.  If I get diagnosised now maybe I can still make it to my 1st goal of 34 weeks.  Of course I am worried what this means for this month.  DH is going to be away from the 17th-25th house sitting for MIL and FIL so they can go on a cruise.  Of course if I am in the hospital I don't know what we are going to do.  I am right now very mad at my inlaws for going on this cruise when I am 7.5 months pregnant, knowing I am high risk and need help. 

I am now seeing my doctor weekly so I go back next Monday unless something happens before that.

Friday, January 4, 2013


The only thing worse than having a cold is having a cold while pregnant.  I really have no idea how we got sick.  The only time dd has been in public was on the Sat Dec 29th and then Mon Dec 31.
DD started becoming sick the night of the 29th with vomiting, fever, and very tired.  However the next day she was fine.  Then she had another occasion of falling asleep in the late afternoon on Wednesday as well as an occasional cough each day.  I start getting a scratchy throat Wed evening and yesterday it had turned into a headache and overall sick feeling and nausea as well as the scratchy throat.  By the end of the day I was coughing and sneezing a bit.  I was hoping it would be over for today, but nope my head is killing me and I have 0 energy.  It is already hard enough to have energy being 7 months pregnant, but now with being sick it is a million times worse.  Not very good when I have a very demanding toddler, a dh with uncontrolled ADHD, and a FIL that is a compulsive liar and pretends to be working all day when he really doesn't have a job.  Also I got a call yesterday so now I have a client I have to see tomorrow.  I was really hoping to rest this weekend, but I guess that isn't going to happen :(

I am making dh pick me up some tylenol today since it is the only thing it says that I can take and this headache is killing me.  If it didn't start when I got sick I would be worried it was a sign of PE.  My bp was high last night 136/93, but I think that being sick may have something to do with it, also I got into a fight with FIL about his lying which didn't make him happy and get very defensive since he now knows his lies are coming back to bite him in the ass - of course this still didn't make him confess, instead he tried to slam me with issues about mine and dh's marriage and dd's special needs.
The good news is my pressure was back to normal this morning or else I was likely looking at having to go into the hospital for monitoring.