So my period came on January 24. It was early this cycle, only 21 days. Luckily my pap got moved to the 23rd from the 24th last week or else I would have been screwed.
On Tuesday I called the RE to report cd1. We made plans to do bloodwork and u/s on Thursday. They reminded me to get the consent forms in and get them a copy of my pap and physical exam. I said my pap was done the other day and will be faxed when the doctor gets it back and I was going to my PCP today to have them fax my physical from back in October. I thought everything was good and all our requirements had been crossed off. Should have known things are never easy when booking an ivf cycle.
The following day the RE office calls and I am told that since my BMI is over 35 (it is 38) that my insurance is requiring me to have an anesthesia consult and a nutrition consult. Doesn't matter that I have never had a normal BMI even when I was a skeleton at 14 because I am big boned and have a muscular body. Also that even though I am overweight, I did not get this way from eating poorly and my health is still perfectly fine. I gainned this weight due to my last pregnancy because I was on bed rest for 8 months (my pregnancy was only 7 months long) and I was drinking high protein shakes in hopes it would help my son grow. I was also pissed that this was the first time I was hearing this (when I just talked with the doctor and nurse on Friday and yesterday), now they tell me this and I need all this done, and insurance approval by the time my suspression check comes on February 13.
The good news was they were able to fit me in on Friday for the anesthesia consult unfortunately it was at the same time as dh's urology appt so I couldn't go with him. Luckily though they were on the same street and only a block away from each other so we didn't have to drive extra anywhere. Unfortunately the nutrition consult wasn't as successful to book.
The woman never called me until Thursday night and first she assumed I was pregnant, asking me what my due date was. Way to go lady, don't read the note sent by the doctor on why I need to be seen. Then she wants to schedule me for February 14. I tell her I need all this done by the 13th. She then says she can put me in on the 10th. Now the 10th is a Friday and the 13th is a Monday so how am I able to get insurance approval by Monday to order my drugs that I need to start that night if I can't see the nutritionous until the Friday morning.
She told me that that was the earliest so I reluctantly made the appt for that day.
Friday we drove to Providence for dh's urology appt and my anesthesia appt. His appt was for 9:45 and mine for 10. Luckily I got in quickly for mine and it only lasted 5 minutes (since I am good and healthy). The anesthesiaologist I say also thought it was silly that I needed to be checked. DH didn't get called in for his appt until almost 11 so I was actually able to be there which was good.
Unfortunately his appt didn't turn out so great. DH falls into the unfortunate classification of infertile men where a cause isn't known and therefore a treatment can not be done. It sucks the only tests he did bad on was the SA. His PE and hormone results were all within normal. According to current medically science dh should have a normal SA and be fertile, but he isn't. I was hoping that seeing an urologist specializing in male infertility this time would give us better news or more things to try, but he didn't. Basically there is no hope for dh and nothing proven to work for him, the only guarantee we would have if we did try stuff is that we would lose money with no guarantee it would help his count at all. So though a miracle baby isn't impossible, it is highly unlikely to ever happen and we are then left with only ivf + icsi.
After his appt we went over to my RE since they were on the way back to the highway. DH had to sign the last of the consent forms since he wasn't able to make the appt last week. I then asked the receptionist what to do about the nutrionist. She tried calling, but the best she got was putting me on the wait list. She did call another nutritionist to see if they had opennings next week. They are more further away (an hour from our house, compared to 30 minute to the one they wanted to send me to). I told her I don't care how far away they are as long as I can get in next week I will drive anywhere. Well the good news is they did have opennings on Monday and Thursday so I booked an appt for Monday morning. When I was on the phone with her I got a call on the other line, but couldn't answer it. When we were back in the car and driving home I discovered it was the first nutrition place. They didn't leave a message, but they did call me that evening and said they had a cancellation for Tuesday morning and asked if I wanted it. I can't believe it. I went from having a 2 week wait for an appt to now having an appt for Monday and Tuesday next week. I am still keeping my Monday appt, but I didn't want to say no to the Tuesday one in case anything happens on Monday. I will have to call though after the first appt though which sucks. Hopefully they aren't upset because it will be less than 24 hours, but what choice did I have.
I guess you can say 2 appts booked is better than none, but seriously. Now I am pissed that the first place didn't call me 30 minutes before so I wouldn't have booked the other appt.
The good news though is that as long as my pap comes back good (which it should), we should be all set with insurance approval by the 13th. I started the bcp Thursday night and have to continue them until Feb 12.
I hate having to pay $15 for a pack of bcp when we are infertile. How is that fair.
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