Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My body is pretty weak from this bedrest.  Yesterday I planned to go off full bedrest and do moderate, but I started having reddish spotting again so that stopped that.  Thank goodness it stopped shortly after it started. 

Today at my u/s everything looked good.  The baby measured on track - head was 2 days behind and abdomen and femur were a week ahead producing an estimated weight of 2lb 11oz, so the baby put on a pound in the last 22 days from my last u/s.  So growth isn't a problem this time which is great.  It made me think that dd must have been small for her age since I was 3 weeks further along when she was born and she was only 5oz larger.

I asked about the bleeding and the doctor confirmed I definately do not have placenta previa.  The placenta is 2cm away from the cervix so the bleeding was likely from a small placenta tear.  He wasn't too concerned about it since the baby is still growing well and the fluid level measures normal.  Hopefully what ever it was will heal and I won't experience anymore bleeding/spotting.

Tomorrow morning we have dd's preschool meeting on  how her testing went and what they will offer her.  I am kind of nervous, not really knowing what to expect.  I don't want her to be short changed on services, but I don't know how she compares to other almost 3 year olds that they see.

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